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USB-UIRT not working on new isntall

Started by jpelc, September 23, 2010, 03:56:49 AM

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I am very new to Linux MCE.  installed the latest from DVD and all appeared ok, until i tried to setup control for the TV.  I found out that the remote IR commands was not getting in during learn mode, then also did not see any IR coming out of it when testing preconfigured commands.  so i went to test the UIRT in Windows just to make sure it is working, and it is.  so, what am i doing wrong or not doing? 

I'd love to give more technical info if i knew where to get it from  (logs, errors, etc).

any help will be very appreciated.


I see planty read the post but non replied  :(
am i missing on something?  not enough info?  to novice?

appreciate any comment so that i know where to head from here.

many thanks,


I have noticed that sometimes it will not install correctly... a few things to try...

Make sure you have internet connection.

1. Unplug the USB UIRT and wait, then plugin the USB UIRT again and see if it loads correctly.

2. Restart you core and try again

If it still doesn't work tell us some more info. Is it showing up in Webadmin? Does it say it's registered? etc..

My setup at: [url=""][/url]