Author Topic: Mythtv quirks in 710  (Read 2855 times)


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Mythtv quirks in 710
« on: December 31, 2009, 05:06:07 am »
I realize 810 is in beta, and while I plan to wait until final this issue may get me to upgrade sooner.

I have 2 semi-annoying quirks with MythTV.  First, when I initially start mythtv I cannot immediately view the guide for live tv.  If I try it displays the tv guide, but for recording video.  The live tv stops, it doesn't show in the upper right corner of the screen, and if I select a tv program it sets it for recording instead of changing the channel and watching it.  If I wait 20 or 30 seconds, or I exit the recording guide/watch live tv/go to the on screen guide repeatedly it eventually shows on screen guide correctly.

The second quirk is also related to first starting Myth.  It always starts up on the analog tuner (which is fine), but the first time I try to tune a HDHomeRun channel the screen goes blank as if it's tuning it, then MythTV completely exits back to the LMCE menu.  If I immediately go back into MythTV (and wait 20 or 30 seconds so I can get the on screen guide), I can tune HDHR channels just fine.

Has anyone else experienced these quirks?  Any clue if this is something fixed in 810 (MythTV 0.20 vs 0.21)?  I'm not really sure if this is a purely MythTV thing or if LMCE plays any part in this.


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Re: Mythtv quirks in 710
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2009, 04:42:21 pm »
0810 is using Myth .22, by the way.  And I find it to be significantly more responsive and it loads much faster than .20.  This may solve some of your issues, but I can't say for sure.


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Re: Mythtv quirks in 710
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2009, 06:10:25 pm »
Sweet, I thought .22 just came out.  Great to hear it's in 810.

Should I assume nobody else runs into these guide/hdhr crash issues when Myth first starts?