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Fresh Beta2 install failed

Started by Skrelpawin, December 02, 2009, 11:10:45 PM

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Charlie1953 can you explain what exactly you did to get it working?
You say "so I logged in"... into the broken installation or did you reinstall.... ? Which  commands do you exactly mean?
I am newby in lmce and linux, please be patiente,

Quote from: charlie1953 on December 04, 2009, 10:58:01 AM
OK so i used the DVD - it installed kubuntu but the LinuxMCE install script failed.
So I  logged in and ran the commands in the wiki (link provided by Freaky) - took a while but no problems encountered.
I have now successfully installed Beta2  - worked like a charm.
now the fun starts - thanks to all who have helped.


I have installed beta2 on a physical pc (which was perfectly supported as hardware by 7.10) by the internet method and everything seems fine till i reach the screen where it reads "Starting Core Services. Please be patient". There it stops and does not go any further and the if you move the mouse the screen turns white and the pointer is a black "x"
Any ideas?



Hi Roberto
I spoke too soon above - I am still having no end of problems. But to get a successful install I used the same build - I did not start from scratch after the desktop script failed.
After the reboot I had a command prompt - so I logged on with the userid specified during installation.
Typed startx to get the gui.
Then I opened a browser session and copied and pasted the commands one line at a time from:
which go like this:
sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu.
aptitude update
aptitude dist-upgrade
wget -c
tar xvf new-installer-beta2.tar.gz
cd new-installer

After that I could go through the setup without a hitch, I configured mythtv watched a bit of live tv, scheduled a recording all looked great.

Then I tried booting my diskless MD to set that up and thats when the problems started.
During the diskless build everything froze and on the server I saw:
"Write-error on Swap-device...compcache: Error allocating memory...."
I googled that and got the instructions for disabling compcache which I did.

However, I suspect that something got screwed because the system keeps freezing and is totally unpredictable.

I am now rebuilding from scratch using the beta1 DVD to build kubuntu.
I am in the middle of upgrading kubuntu - then I will disable compcache before I repeat the internet installation of lmce as above.
Will post results - but it may take a few days cause I am going fishing tomorrow  :)


ok, thanks charlie1953, will try that

PS: what are you going to fish (over there in the states i guess)? Here in Zurich/Switzerland the lakes are nearly dead and fishing means most of all waiting waiting waiting as opposed to 20 or 30 years ago


BTW I got the information about compcache here:

and here:

the instructions for removing it are as follows:
To check if one has Compcache enabled run:
sudo swapon -s

If there is a ramzswap in there along with your normal swap settings it means it is enabled. To disable it:

sudo rm /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache && sudo update-initramfs -u

And restart. Check to see if it is installed by running this again after rebooting:
sudo swapon -s

I had to modify the rm command by replacing the name of the swap directory with the one indicated in my "swapon -s" command.
hope that helps - but maybe for you compcache is not a problem, who knows?

I am in New Zealand - the fishing is great - will be going out from Torbay to The Noises.
Check it out on Google Maps - and weep  :)


Couldn't get it to work with internet installation also.

Seems to install everything fine, I even can run the AV Wizzard, but after rebooting all I get is a grey screen with the mouse pointer..... anybody has similar Problems?



Same problem here.
These are the steps that I followed.

Download the new beta2 iso
Install Linux MCE from boot menu

After install double click on Install linuxMCE Icon on Kubuntu desktop

The first part of the installation process apparently was fine.


AV wizard is going fine until step 5 when I choose my audio connection the AV wizard restart to Step 1 (tried with different video setups and different audio connections, and always the same issue) the only way to continue is to select no Audio, and the installation appears to continue after some time.

It loads different things on a grey background after regenerating orbiters it stays on that grey screen with mouse pointer.

Any ideas ?


Same thing here. tty1 indicates that Orbiter generation was successful. Returning to the the X11 terminal the background is then black.


This may be a long shot but check your /etc/network/interface file.  My installation stopped in a similar fashion to what you are describing.  I came across some information in the wiki, unrelated to this, that mentioned that during the installation make sure that eth0 is your public facing network interface.  I checked my interface file and found that only the ip address was listed on eth0.  There was no gateway nor subnet mask listed plus the ip address was one from the range used on my routers dhcp server.  I edited the interface file and added the subnet mask and gateway information.  I then double checked the resolf.conf file to make sure it had at least one dns entry.  Once I did this I rebooted the machine and it finished the installation and the orbiter appeared.  I hope this works for you.




Thanks It worked !!



Great.   ;D  Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.  I am glad I could help.



I have almost exactly the same problems as Dominik.

Tried with DVD setup and Internet setup. Tried installing Ubuntu first, then updating NVIDIA driver to 190.42. On Ubuntu everything works fine but when I install LinucMCE I get extremely long startup-times that can often not be distinguished from failing startup, expecially since the screen turns black and I can only catch short glances pressing Numbers like 0. A/V Wizard is no solution.

There are a lot of other subjects on the forum with similar problems but they have not been any help - so far.

I have spent 10 to 20 hours so far. Very frustrating.

I am a Linux beginner but have plenty experience with windows, databases, css, html and visual basic.

Any help would be extremely appreciated.



Quote from: mythtified on December 07, 2009, 06:17:13 PM
This may be a long shot but check your /etc/network/interface file.  My installation stopped in a similar fashion to what you are describing.  I came across some information in the wiki, unrelated to this, that mentioned that during the installation make sure that eth0 is your public facing network interface.  I checked my interface file and found that only the ip address was listed on eth0.  There was no gateway nor subnet mask listed plus the ip address was one from the range used on my routers dhcp server.  I edited the interface file and added the subnet mask and gateway information.  I then double checked the resolf.conf file to make sure it had at least one dns entry.  Once I did this I rebooted the machine and it finished the installation and the orbiter appeared.  I hope this works for you.

sounds like that solved anybodys problems here. I will reinstall beta2 again, and try this. I'm absolutely new to linux, can you give me a description what I have to type in my terminal or with what I can edit this file.

Thank you so far - maybe someone can add this to the beta2 wiki??? Just in case of a failed installation.




just got same problem with audio and same solution with editing /etc/network/interfaces....


Thanks in advance,

