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Question about DLink DNS-323

Started by avajon, October 19, 2009, 03:04:37 PM

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i want to buy a Dlink DNS-323 NAS for my lmce (810). My Question is: Can i run my core 24/7 and turn the NAS on when i want to watch the movies on them and after watching turning it off or has the NAS also be online 24/7?




Another question related:
Does one need to buy a dedicated NAS, or can one just use two additional disks in RAID mode installed in the core? To me, this was an idea that partly justified starting a long building process of a full LMCE system.


cool. thank you for the quick answer. :)

i now use 1 disk for the lmce system and another four disks for my videos (in the core, but without RAID). The reason why i want to buy a NAS is, i want to build a smaller Core...


Hi Kooma,

You can add disks to the Core as well.

Each approach, NAS or Core has their own set of merits/detractions.



i just bought the DLink DNS-323, installed it and everything works fine. But can i connect my laptop (externeal network 10.10.0.*) to the Nas (internal lmce-network 192.168.80.*)?? I wan't to have lmce use the volume_1 and the other pc's in the external network the volume_2 for backups.



Why do you guys make this so bloody difficult?

Just merge everything onto a single network.





thom, sometimes it must be difficult....  ;) no, the reason is, i must use two different networks. i know it would be much easier when i only have one network...


Quote from: avajon on November 05, 2009, 02:30:53 PM

i just bought the DLink DNS-323, installed it and everything works fine. But can i connect my laptop (externeal network 10.10.0.*) to the Nas (internal lmce-network 192.168.80.*)?? I wan't to have lmce use the volume_1 and the other pc's in the external network the volume_2 for backups.


For my work I have to install a lot of networks with different IP-ranges and they still have to communicate with each other. To solve this problem we use Netopia routers. In the router you can define additional subnets which allows different IP-ranges to communicate with each other. This means that if you have for example a network 192.168.80.* and one 192.168.1.* you can define in the router how these two networks communicate with each other. It's even possible to let the PC in the 192.168.80.* range talk directly with the pc in the 192.168.1.* range. Multiple subnets are possible. I suppose there are other manufacturers who have this option in their routers, but I only know of Netopia.

hope this helps for all the guys with their special network setups.




hi Thingie,

thank you for the info.



Avajon - why "must" you use two different networks? I see nothing in your post that suggests the reason. Before you respond, please read every word in - then explain why this doesn't work for you.

Thingie - I don't follow the point of your post. Moving traffic between different subnets is routing. Any device that didn't do this would not be a router! So what has Netopia got to do with anything? And what is wrong with the LMCE Core? It is a router too! And just like every other router in existance, it could route the traffic from the external network to the internal network, if you so desired, and were prepared to poke swiss-cheese holes in the Core's firewall. But that misses the point, as per the link above, everything you want to communicate with each other should be on the same network. And in normal circumstances there are no reasons not to do this.


hi colinjones,

i know the core is also a router and i read the Network_Setup Wiki Page. The reason why i must use two different networks is: my core isn't online everytime, so i have to use my wlan-router for my external network, so all the laptops (wife's laptop also) have internet - also when the core is offline...

By the way, i have managed the routes and everything works now as expected. thank you to everyone.



is your broadband router on all the time?? then why not your core? a fundamental design principle of LMCE is that the core IS on all the time... it should not be turned off, so that it can do its job ... if you allowed it to perform as it is supposed to, then you would never have had this issue. if power consumption is an issue, then it is very easy to build an ultra-low-power core, so that this isn't an issue... realistically there isn't a reason why you "must" turn your core off, it is a preference, and I believe an ill-advised choice. rethink your strategy and you will have an easier life :)


yeah power consumption is the issue - i also want to build a ultra low power core, but it's expensive... :)


Have you considered using one of the new Atom 330/ION platforms? Add a second NIC using a USB device, and you'll have a viable Hybrid, with low power consumption for less than 300 Euro (if I was able to speak German, I could probably find a cheaper version still!)