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[SOLVED] 8.10 problem with 3M touchscreen

Started by rages, June 20, 2009, 11:04:17 AM

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I have noticed that with LinuxMCE 8.10 don't working the steps to install the drivers of 3M touch screen, then I tried to use those in reposity Ubuntu 8.10 but nothing works I have also changed xorg.conf as I was advised in a forum but does not work.
You have some ideas on what to do?


I download the last official driver from 3M
I have installed these from the terminal of my MD (./Install), rebooted and everything works.



please create a wiki for these devices... Title the wiki "3M Touch Screens" and add some pictures.


 ok, when I have just a moment ... my problem is to write well in English, if there are error correct them.



yes, I will correct your wiki page if need be :)


Dear All,

I´m thinking to get one of this, what´s better Serial or USB? I thinking in the M1700SS 17" monitor.

Frank Galan

An Spanish LMCE user



I bought the serial, as it was available that, do not deny that I had some problems with LinuxMCE 7.10 because the automatic recognition serial blocked the touch. In version 8.10 once the drivers are installed correctly everything works fine.



Hi again,

I have another question regarding that.
If i have some drivers or modules to load for this screen, can i do a diskless boot? and when and from where are the drivers load?

I think in this case is the same question like another drivers that should be loaded indepedent from the LinuxMCE system.

In resume and going out a litle bit out from the main post, if i need to load another drivers outside from the LinuxMCE what i need to do? Install Kubuntu in the MD and load the drivers in?
Every time i tryed to do that never had started the MD, in the first boot later to install LinuxMCE from Kubuntu, and the LinuxMCE installed had detected the Core and i answered that this PC is a MD, i get some errors and at the end starts Kubuntu but no LinuxMCE.

I think i had deviated the post, if it´s this case i will open a new post.

Thnks in advance
Frank Galan

An Spanish LMCE user



I do not know if I understand your request, however with regard to the drivers of the touch I'll explain how I did.

I use a touch with a diskless Atom N330, I created the MD normally and then I open KDE and a system terminal, I have downloaded the drivers and I have installed directly on MD.
I have also tried to install them from the core with chroot but doesn't work, the installation hangs.
