Hi, I have Linux MCE 7.10 (I like to steer clear of alpha's) running on a system that is just a core, not a core hybrid, 2 NICs, etc. When I go to add a phone line from the online configuration, it gives me an error.
Fatal error: mysql error: [145: Table './asterisk/sip' is marked as crashed and should be repaired] in EXECUTE(" SELECT sip.id,sip.data,sips.data AS sdata, sipp.data AS pdata,siph.data AS hdata FROM sip INNER JOIN sip sips ON (sips.id=sip.id) AND (sips.keyword='secret') INNER JOIN sip sipp ON (sipp.id=sip.id) AND (sipp.keyword='username') INNER JOIN sip siph ON (siph.id=sip.id) AND (siph.keyword='host') WHERE (sip.keyword='account') AND (sip.data='sipgate' OR sip.data='inphonex' OR sip.data='broadvoice' OR sip.data='voiceeclipse' OR sip.data='sipgradwell' OR sip.data='xs4all' OR sip.data='viatalk_us-central' OR sip.data='1und1' OR sip.data='sipgate_de')") in /var/www/pluto-admin/include/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php on line 77
Is there anything I can do without reinstalling LMCE?