OK first to check the port of the USB UIRT, locate your USB UIR you know in your case its device 36 which is good.
otherwise open Web Interface, on left hand pane select show device tree, and locate the USB UIRT.
Now when you select this device in the properties pane, you see which USB port has been assigned.
it should do this automatically on first installation, but what happened in my case is that I moved the USB UIRT to a different USB port and it then had a little trouble reassigning the USB port. In my case it had move from port 1 to 2 etc.
2nd question, you can leave the MCE remote. IF you have an MCE remote you can use it to control your orbiter screen.
You can also add other remote controls if you wish to use them to control the orbiter screens. This of course will use the receiver on the USB UIRT to receive teh remote control commands.
3rd question, If you wish to use you logitech keyboard to control the orbiter, and control the TV with USB UIRT transmitter you need to add your Sony TV as an AV device. This device template contains the codes for blasting/transmitting the same codes as sent by the TV remote control.