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WOW linux MCE

Started by TJL, September 11, 2009, 12:10:10 AM

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Hey people. i recently started to build a HTPC. Originally i was looking at Mythbuntu then i seen Linux MCE and i have to say i was completely blown away. I never thought an Open source program could do so much while looking so sexy. Im sure ill spend alot of time on this forum so id just like to thank everyone in advance.


Welcome.  As a previous MythTV user myself, if you plan to have Media Directors (clients), you will love the way LMCE works.  Just be sure to research and follow the recommended setup.  Don't try to fight the way LMCE wants to work (ie - core w/2 nic cards, the only DHCP server, etc.) or you will find yourself highly frustrated.


im still trying to figure out exactly to set up my HTPC. This was what i was thinking

AMD Athlon 64 2x 2.8GHz
Apevia case
4GB ddr2 800MHz PNY Optima
1TB Western digital Green drive
Hauppauge PVR-500

It seems like a good HTPC set-up to me, but this is my first build.


Not sure if that A in the mobo is for ATI graphics... If it is you may want to put in a 8x or 9x nvidia card and save yourself some pain.

just my  2cents


My Setup [url=""][/url]

For LinuxMce compatible  systems and accessories


Hi TJL and guys...

We all know, the LMCE is an amazing system, that has its advantages (unfortunately) in home automation, system control etc...
My personal opinion is, if you are looking only for an HTPC, then try Kubuntu 9.04 + XBMC... or due to your ATI card maybe some other OS, that has better support for it - the linux+ATI might struggle a bit with some "exclusive" movie formats and definitions....
ex Mythtv fan, the LinuxMCE newbie
hoping for the best


Without question, do not use anything other than nVidia for your graphics hardware... ideally from the outset, and get a mobo that already has nVidia hardware.... its a no brainer :)

simon_b - that is a simplistic assessment. There are MANY features of LMCE's media-only functionality that are difficult/impossible to replicate in other media centres, without even looking at the other stuff LMCE provides. Such as, an interconnected/distributed media platform using MDs; virtualised remote control interface (on-screen, remote, etc) of all media devices around the house from any other media device, PDAs, mobiles, web pads, web browsers, PCs ... even custom devices that can trigger specific purpose DCE commands. And this is all _before_ you consider the interaction between the media environment and other features such as home automation and telephony (starting media playback triggering house settings like lighting levels, telephone calls pausing media, or automatically being redirected to voice mail to prevent interuptions, etc)

I have toyed with many of the other facilities that LMCE offers, but right at the moment I am only using the media facilities and I still would not consider moving to another "media player" platform... its not as simple as media-only=another system as anyone who has used LMCE for a while will atest. Sure, if your primary concern is a slick, eye-candy GUI and are not bothered about anything else then XMBC becomes a good alternative, or even Apple TV if you are in the camp of UI is everything, functionality is nothing!


I'm with Colin on this one.  I also only use the media functionality, the rest of the home automation features will be implemented when my basement is finished (media room + moving my core to the wiring closet + LMCE 810 first).  With only a core/md hybrid plus 2 MDs, LMCE is the best choice for me for now as well as allowing for future enhancements.  It may not be for everyone, but unless you never want more than one HTPC it's worth trying LMCE.


thanks for the advice and the encouragement . i guess ill just send back the motherboard (thank god for refunds). what about a
Mainly im just looking for something moderatly priced and with a HDMI connection.

Linux MCE really seems like a cool project. After seeing some of the videos i really cant imagine going with another OS.


I highly recommend the ASUS M3N78-VM. I use it for my core and 3 MD's using 0810 with no problems. The M4N78-Pro is also a good board. There are a couple things you should know, though.

1. Onboard digital audio is not supported. For S/PDIF or toslink, you will need the ASUS expansion board. It can be found for ~$20 on ebay. Do a search for ASUS SPDIF.
2. Use the Alsa update script. Make sure to unmute the digital outputs in alsamixer.
3. Use the latest nvidia driver.
4. Follow skeptic's advice
5. The videos make the installation seem a whole lot easier than it actually is. Stick with it, though; it's worth it.

Good luck!



It has an onboard optical SPDIF port, you only need the breakout board for coaxial SPDIF.


Quote from: colinjones on September 12, 2009, 12:03:08 AM
simon_b - that is a simplistic assessment. There are MANY features of LinuxMCE's media-only functionality that are difficult/impossible to replicate in other media centres, without even looking at the other stuff LinuxMCE provides. Such as, an interconnected/distributed media platform using MDs; virtualised remote control interface (on-screen, remote, etc) of all media devices around the house from any other media device, PDAs, mobiles, web pads, web browsers, PCs ... even custom devices that can trigger specific purpose DCE commands. And this is all _before_ you consider the interaction between the media environment and other features such as home automation and telephony (starting media playback triggering house settings like lighting levels, telephone calls pausing media, or automatically being redirected to voice mail to prevent interuptions, etc)

I have toyed with many of the other facilities that LinuxMCE offers, but right at the moment I am only using the media facilities and I still would not consider moving to another "media player" platform... its not as simple as media-only=another system as anyone who has used LinuxMCE for a while will atest. Sure, if your primary concern is a slick, eye-candy GUI and are not bothered about anything else then XMBC becomes a good alternative, or even Apple TV if you are in the camp of UI is everything, functionality is nothing!

Hi Colin!

No question... LMCE is (like said) GREAT platform, we all try to integrate into our homes, also due to the reasons, you mentioned.

TJL only wants to setup one HTPC, like he wrote, so there will not be any need for media distribution, NAS, PDA's etc... without too much linux knowledge... SO that's why i mentioned XBMC, some WIN+Eventghost (for remote setup) would be an easier solution for him...
ex Mythtv fan, the LinuxMCE newbie
hoping for the best


Quote from: TJL on September 11, 2009, 12:39:01 AM
im still trying to figure out exactly to set up my HTPC. This was what i was thinking

AMD Athlon 64 2x 2.8GHz
Apevia case
4GB ddr2 800MHz PNY Optima
1TB Western digital Green drive
Hauppauge PVR-500

It seems like a good HTPC set-up to me, but this is my first build.

Don't take this mainboard !! Look at the Wiki - I did take this one and can't reccomend it.

Take something already used + confirmed working and for certain one with Nvidia Graphics !!

My System :



Quote from: merkur2k on September 13, 2009, 07:18:35 PM
It has an onboard optical SPDIF port, you only need the breakout board for coaxial SPDIF.

In my installation, the onboard toslink ports do not work, hence the need for the breakout boards. The port lights up, but there is no sound.



Quote from: simon_b on September 13, 2009, 09:15:12 PM
Hi Colin!

No question... LinuxMCE is (like said) GREAT platform, we all try to integrate into our homes, also due to the reasons, you mentioned.

TJL only wants to setup one HTPC, like he wrote, so there will not be any need for media distribution, NAS, PDA's etc... without too much linux knowledge... SO that's why i mentioned XBMC, some WIN+Eventghost (for remote setup) would be an easier solution for him...

I guess that's the question.  Is this always going to be a single HTPC setup or will he eventually want to add other MDs, or possibly home automation stuff?  Even if it will only ever be a single HTPC setup, at least a Myth distro would give him DVR capabilities which I don't believe XBMC has.  Could be wrong though, I haven't looked at XBMC for a LONG time.


I have always found XBMC to be like a very pretty blonde, beautiful, but lacking in substance.
