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Call for donations for features.

Started by tschak909, August 13, 2009, 07:30:02 PM

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Quote from: davegravy on August 14, 2009, 04:54:07 AM
Quotehow much do you spend on a night out?

What's this thing called a "night out"? Come on, you're talking to a Linux crowd here :P
I had the other guys in mind, the ones screaming from the top of their lungs: "I didn't pay for it, and I don't want to pay for it, and do it faster stoopid, 'cause my girlfriend is waiting for me downstairs to go clubbing, and I don't have time nor patience nor knowledge to fix my problem!"


Hey Thom. Count me in for $100 on whatever the wider group decides. FWIW I'd also really like to see (other than the Beta ;)):

* Ability to Tag media with Genre and Type from the Orbiter/UI1/UI2, possible extension of being able to do the IMDB/Amazon search and update also within the Orbiter.
* Enhancement for the WEBDT366 that allows the screen to be turned completely off (currently the back-light seems to stay on which keeps me awake  if I don't suspend it :))
* An Android Orbiter

Also if Krys suggestion is possible (Recompiling xinelib to improve HD performance) - that sounds like it might be the most use for everyone.

Thanks Thom!



The two issues that would be most important to me would be to get VDPAU working in Xine and getting the HD PVR working properly.

I would commit to a couple of hours for those two tasks.  I would also commit an hour to the fiire chief but only if the result will make it work the same as in 0710...i.e. absolute positioning, three button control etc.....


What are the plans for linuxmce on Mac OS X? I might be able to find some people who want this on mac os x to put up some money.


Here's something I would put $100.00 on:

   - To have LinuxMCE, recognize (either from a given (network) directory or generally), display and play from iTunes playlists. Not necessarily to have the ability to edit the playlists. Just recognize it and play from them.

   Wife and I have several playlists that we want to be able to play in the house, not just in our iPods, but currently we can't.

   And please let's not get into the argument of which media player is best or that there are better ways to make playlists than iTunes. Now, if there's something I don't know (which is usually the case), please respond the details in a different thread, to keep this one clean...thanks. ;-)

My setup: [url=""][/url]



Add to my list:
- When browsing recorded tv shows: group them properly by title, season, and episode - preferably sorted by air date or original air date.
- Add a similar feature to group series of movies (star wars, harry potter, james bond, etc) and the ability to sort by release date and/or episode number.
- In both of these cases, we should have groups when there are more than 1 item to group, and simply list the rest normally.  (Don't want to have to go into a group to see one item.)

HDPVR support would be great - but we should try to avoid making our own Myth package that we would have to maintain ourselves, if possible.  There's more than enough stuff to worry about already.

Similar comment for VDPAU in Xine.


By the looks of it, you will have to find yourself a real job. Your choice is between a real job or a slave job for these guys it seems. Even freelancing looks like a better way to go.

The whole "donation" point has been missed completely. Where do I send my $10/month? Find another 199 people to do this, and you're set to go.

And I don't want any features from you to please any significant other :) I don't want you to write everything in Bash either.

Reading the posts, even RentACoder looks like a load of cash for the work you do right about now. They don't get that you're dying of starvation there.


I would contribute to:

1) video phone such as skype, i'm a little bit shocked that I haven't seen this requested very often when posts like these come up. Am I only the one who is interested in that being a part of a advanced system like LinuxMCE?

2)   I would contribute to another up to date mobile orbiter. Windows and Android phones will be available on cdma and gsm networks so everyone would be able to utilize a mobile orbiter. Presence detection for alarm purposes would be great.

3) Return of the Disked MD option


I would gladly donate for:

- PNP support of the new HDHomeRun DBV-T
- (I know its a big job, but) Asterisk upgrade to 1.6 & a later supported FreePBX
This will be handy if anyone will be buying any new models of Digium boards, as they will only be supported with the new DAHDI (Zaptel Replacement) drivers



What i would donate for is a better support of media file like mkv . I would love to have a feature, that rips my DVD to any prefered codec like h264 or sth. else, keeps the language  tracks, maybe specials etc. Afterwards the file would be half the size e.g. may be more 3 GB than up to 7 or 8 with my DVD isos. That would safe a lot of space on any file server, and less data to supply to the MDs. If a feature like that would be (pls. don't beat me up) pnp with covers etc... I'm sure people wpuld donate... it would be a bargain.  ;O)

Hybrid: MSI MS-7329,Nvidia 6150 onboard,AMD BE-2400,2gb RAM,Sharp Aqous LE 37X20E via MD Zotoc Ion Synergy,Terratec 1200 & Cinergy DT USB Diversity DVB-T, KNC ONE TV-Station DVB-C,WebDT366,Fiire Chief [url=""][/url]


a lot of these features being asked for are at least 20 hours of work...



Question?  Thom...not sure if you have started a project already, but why don't you edit this post and add a poll so we can get the ball rolling.  Which ever feature request garners the most interest will get the most financial support, thereby becoming the first project. I would do a poll myself, but only you know how much work each project would entail and which ones could be grouped together to achieve the 20hrs. just a question.   


As already mentioned, a current "hassle free" hardware solution would be good. Zotac board looks like the leading choice. I would like to buy one and KNOW it's gonna work without me having to update drivers and jump through hoops.

"Proper" HD support would be cool.

Just another point. How about the iOrbiter? (iPhone AND iPod touch). I know this has been mentioned already and I've offered to look at doing it. In my case, I'm struggling finding a dev platform and don't have the time / resources to throw at it (I can't lug a MacBook as well as a full MCE system around with me and I'm on the road a lot. The other advantage of this (especially if you don't go down the "jailbreak" route) is that you can charge for it via AppStore. Other threads have already discussed this, but the key thing here is that not only are you not relying on "donations" but once it's complete, any and all installs continue to generate revenue. Put it up for, say, $30 and I reckon you'll cover costs and then some. I know I need 2 for a start ;)
If you have the time to help, please see where I have got to at: [url=""][/url]


Are you guys not grasping that I am working on this because I have no other choice?

I am trying to get donations, so I do not starve. I have no job. People are not hiring me, I am being TURNED DOWN from LESSER jobs because I am in their words, "OVERQUALIFIED"

So, you guys can sit back, with your jobs, and use the software, for free, as it is right now... or... you can help pay for my expenses so I can EAT, so I can have a ROOF OVER MY HEAD..and oh yeah, SO I CAN WORK ON THIS THING I LOVE SO MUCH.
