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I need your help, to continue fdeveloping.

Started by tschak909, July 09, 2009, 04:00:12 PM

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Hello everyone,

I'll just get right down to the point...

I've been able to spend so much time on this project, because I literally haven't had a job, in 6 and a half months.

I have been living off a combination of savings, and from donations from people like you to implement features in the stack.

I need $2000 to handle expenses for this month.

That's it, really. I have nothing more to say. I'm broke.



I hate to even ask, but is spending so much time doing dev work for lmce interfering with your job search?  When it comes to stuff like paying rent, you gotta put yourself and your job hunt first.


I for one would hate to see you having to give up. I've suggested we set up some marketing products to raise some cash that could be used to help fund development (and that may include paying developers).

In the meantime, do you have a PayPal account for anyone who is feeling generous to use to donate?
If you have the time to help, please see where I have got to at: [url=""][/url]


seeing as how you have completed the gyro remote development....why don't we organize funding for development of a mobile orbiter such as windows, android, or even a iphone orbiter.  A mobile orbiter for gsm and cdma networks that will be able to utilize presence detection would be preferable for alarm purposes. Just a thought that may be financially helpful to you and would benefit linuxmce at the same time.  ???  --or any other feature requests such as video conferencing, ui enhancements etc--


skeptic: you're not understanding, i'm doing this, because even after handing out resumes, and being attached to three different staffing agencies, I still have no job.

weirdbeard65: yes, I do.



I do agree with both previous comments here. Thom the few months I have spent in the forums and using the system, I can see you are a very talented developer and that everyone here benefits from your work. I am not opposed to giving donations for a developer to work on a specific task. I donated for the work to be done for the gyration remote and I don't even use that remote but it was my way of giving back to the community and who knows I might use it some day.
There are other features such as Iphone orbiter, orblive like application  (just some ideas)... I would love to see and I would be more than willing to donate for development.
As they say, money doesn't grow on trees and I don't really have much but I don't mind throwing $20-$100 towards something I really use and enjoy such as LinuxMCE. So as Wierdbeird said, if there were some kind of paypal account for donations to be made to the project I am sure that could very well be used to help cover developers time and I am sure quite a few faithfull followers wouldn't mind giving some spare change to help out.


Quote from: tschak909 on July 09, 2009, 04:55:28 PM
skeptic: you're not understanding, i'm doing this, because even after handing out resumes, and being attached to three different staffing agencies, I still have no job.


It was a question, not a statement.  I have an idea how dedicated you are to LinuxMCE, I was just asking if that dedication is affecting the job search. 

However, you are right in one way.  I don't understand the intent of your post.  Are you asking for money?  Suggesting another paid project similar to the gyro remote?


Not to trying to be an ass.
But how about next month, don't you need 2000 also???


Very correct, I am still looking for work.



Quote from: tschak909 on July 09, 2009, 10:51:22 PM
Very correct, I am still looking for work.


Where do you live? Can you send me your resumé? Maybe I can find work for you. And if I understand correctly there are more than a few companies using LinuxMCE and charging lots of money for installations, sure they do the work but they should also donate some (lets say 10-20%) of their profits atleast to the project their business relies upon.

Are they doing this or just reaping the benefits and not contributing back to the community and the project?

My email is
LinuxMCE - If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!!
My setup - [url=""][/url]


If you're looking for something to tide you over until you find something more to your liking consider some of the listings here:


Thom, is it safe to assume that our pay for development of specific features suggestions are not the form of financial assistance your were seeking...just wondering because i see that you posted your paypal address but did not respond to our suggestions.   :)


If you send along a suggestion, I will work on that feature.



I have been following this project and reading the forums for months now.  I have no dev experience and really no good technical skill set to contribute.  Thom's post now provides me with a way to contribute to this project!  Hopefully my financial contribution will make a small dent with Thom's time/money issue.  I hope others will continue to due their part to make sure this project keeps moving in the right direction!


I can help you out with half of your expenses this month, if you can help me setup my Vista-20P panel to get it up and running??
Cheers |[BEER]