CollinJones, thank you for the answer, that cuts down on my cost a lot, I was affraid the core would not be able to keep up with 10 MD's (when I'm done).
I already have NAS in the house with all media and files on it that we use with the 6 computers in the house, I can bump it up to 2,5Tb so should be enough to start with.
I looked at the Revo, but although it looks nice, I want to mount the MD on the back of the monitors/TV's or on the wall, even for current old TV's in the house I want to make it future proof and the M350 enclosure looks just as nice as the Revo.
Cost is also a factor, I have build computers all my life, and building the ATOM ION with the M350 and 1Gb of RAM for the MD's cost about 225 to 250 depending on N230 or N330, the revo MRSP is 299, for the eventual 10 MD's that's $500-$750 saving for me.......
I do have one small (pun intended) question, with some research and programming would it be possbile to have these boogers work on this system to act as an orbiter? know you can say, everything can be made to work, but is it viable? These only cost about $110 and look like an awesome orbiter to use, I would mount these in wall where my current intercom is now together with a speaker and microphone for music distribution and possible intercom or voice activation features. Looks like a nice project for the coming year for me.
Thanks again,