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What am i doing wrong with samba - MCE wont let me create folders on its shares

Started by geekyhawkes, June 27, 2009, 03:25:40 PM

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Again, never under any circumstances create symlinks unless you want to guarantee you kill your LMCE.

The path is actually /home/public/data/audio..etc and /home/user_#/data/audio..etc for public and private respectively.

If you have any network media appearing on your system, and you chose LMCE folder structure when asked, the symlinks are definitely there.... the system simply wouldn't work without them... look again!

If you chose not to use the LMCE folder structure then I have no idea where it puts them, I never use that mode, and you should perhaps consider doing the same, it is not "best practice"


Thanks for the full path i will give that a go.  I am using the MCE file structure in an attempt to follow best practise.  Can you confirm for me, should i see these symlinks as normal folders within Dolphin on KDE?  Currently the MCE OS harddrive /home/data/audio folder is empty.


You still have the path wrong in your last post.... but yes, you will see the symlinks in there, although from memory I think they may be grayed out if the drive isn't mounted at that point. Just click through them as normal and this will mount the drive and move into the next folder.

But for troubleshooting, please use a terminal and move through the directories using cd /path/path/etc and ls -al to show the contents


Right, being as detailed as i can here (paths etc) i have navigated to the following location under KDE desktop / terminal:

cd /
cd home/public/data/audio
ls -al returns the following

total 8
drwxrwsr-x 2 root public 4096 2009-06-07 15:30 (and one blue dot)
drwxrwsr-x 12 root public 4096 2009-07-06 12:07 (and 2 blue dots)

Is this what you would expect to see?


IF you have network media shares providing content, AND IF they are set to use the LMCE folder structure, AND IF they are appearing in your Orbiter, then you WILL see the symlinks to those shares in that folder. There is no way that the Orbiter can find the media otherwise. This is also reflected in the Media Sync menu of the web admin. Check your web admin for the path as well....

I can understand that something may be wrong and the symlinks not there, however if that is the case, and the above conditions are satisfied, then the media cannot appear in the Orbiter as this is where it finds is! I think you haven't used LMCE folder structure.. check your web admin media sync....


RIGHT:  I have adjusted the properties of my second hard drive in webadmin as (predicatbly from all of the help above) i had messed up adding it and not set it to use LMCE file structure.

For anyone else that finds themselves in this situation, the easy way to change a drives properites to use LMCE file structure is below:

Load webadmin:

Advanced -> Configuration ->Devices

On the left hand tree you should then be able to expand it until you find your second harddrive (probably labeled sdb1)

A click on that drive will enable the right hand admin pane of the drive to appear.  From here, if you scroll down until you see Device data

PK_users should be set to "Use LMCE'S directory structure" 

If not change it then hit save at the bottom.  This will create the symlinks talked about earlier in this topic

No to test if my samba shares are working correctly.