Author Topic: Getting Prepped for an X10 Security install  (Read 2606 times)


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Getting Prepped for an X10 Security install
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:04:45 am »
So, I've been playing with LMCE for about a week now, and plan on adding a CM11A, TM751, and a number of the DS10A door/window sensors.

I've reviewed the CM11 install guide here and here and I'm sure I can hook up all the parts without difficulty.

My main question (since I was unable to locate it using the search), is how to define an X10 remote such as the KR10A to toggle an At Home - Disarmed security scenario when the disarm button is pushed, and Armed - Away when the Armed button is pushed.  I would think it would be nothing more than adding the remote as a device using the CM11A, and sending the security fire commands depending on the button pressed, but I'm a bit too new to grasp the full capabilities of the Admin Website.

And while I understand that using X10 devices is less than optimal, I was wanting to go cheap first before I invested heavily in either Insteon or Z-Wave.  Honestly, if I'd had the on hand cash, I'd have gone Z-Wave since it's much easier to install.

I've also been checking out the youtube videos tschak909 has been making.  I'm very intrigued by some of the functions LMCE can have with some work.  Specifically, being able to add MAME.

Oh, and setting the system to initiate a call to a specified number when a security event is detected should be nothing more than defining the action in the scenario, right?  I'd like to add in that capability (I saw that on the video off the wiki).


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Re: Getting Prepped for an X10 Security install
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 01:14:17 am »
Hey Solnoid,

Just curious if you got any of this to work.  I am also planning on using x10, only because I already had all the hardware from my previous house.  Let me know...thanks