The M4N78 Pro works fine with 0710, just not out of the box. It's kind of a hassle, but here's what you need to do to get it to work:
1. Make sure to use a supported PCI or PCI-X NIC for at least the initial installation
2. Install using 0710RC2 i386 DVD
3. When the installer asks you to remove the DVD and reboot, do so, but hit ESC at the GRUB loader and select recovery mode
4. Upgrade the kernel to 2.6.28 or later following the wiki instructions
4a. Be sure to build the Realtek PHY into the kernel (Device Drivers->Network Device Support->PHY Device support and infrastructure->Drivers for Realtek PHYs)
4b. Be sure to pay particular attention to the mythtv-backend script modification section
4c. Be sure to run an update-grub after copying the new kernel and generating the initrd.img
5. Reboot, but hit ESC at the GRUB loader again and select recovery mode for the new kernel
6. Update your video driver
6a. wget 6b. chmod +x
6c. ./
7. Reboot
8. If the installer overwrites the 180.29 driver with nvidia-glx:
8a. switch consoles
8b. telinit 1
8c. re-run the NVIDIA installer as in 6c
8d. Reboot
9. Follow the wiki instructions for SP/DIF or toslink connections on the M3N78 and M4N78 series boards under 0710 require the Asus breakout board. Just do a search on ebay for ASUS SPDIF. You will also need to run the Alsa update script. See that is too much work for you, try the 0810 alpha as others have suggested. Remember, though, it is still in alpha for a reason. I have an M4N78 Pro as my core and 3 M3N78-VM MD's working smoothly with 0710; it just takes a little work and a lot of patience.
Best of luck,
p.s. I wrote this holed up in bed loopy on cough medicine so I apologize in advance if anything isn't clear