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3 out of 4 Timed Events are Broken

Started by justnulling, June 23, 2008, 05:55:05 AM

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So far, only Interval Based timed events work properly.
Day of week based works as daily. It fires at the set time everyday, whether or not the day of week is selected.
Day of month based also works as daily. Same as above.
Absolute doesn't work at all.

Tried with 7.10rc2 64 and 32 bit.

If anyone has a solution, please let me know.

There are two smaller (presentation) issues.
1) Wednesday is misspelled.
2) Time is auto set to AM only (for an exampled, when new timed even is being created at 2:10 PM, 2:10 is preset in the time field but it should be preset to 14:10)


I have a set volume = 80 and Load playlist set for my 7.30AM M-F (alarm clock). Added this last week and I can confirm it didn't run on the weekend (i.e. worked as configured).

Sorry I'm not really helping here but it definitely works for me (32bit RC2).



Hmm, let see, I am running DVD install, is that what you have as well?


Yep - DVD install i386 0710 RC2... It got me out of bed this morning (and let me sleep in on the weekend)...


I guess, it might be bad hardware but I have tried in on two different system, not sure what to do next.


did you ever figure out how to get this to work? I have the same problem for "day of week". It simply executes every day.


No, never found the problem, as I have posted i have tried it on few system and have the same problem, so unless all of those systems have the same hardware bug, I have to say it is buried somewhere deep in the lmce code. If you figure it out please post it here.


Thanks for the quick reply. Very weird that nobody else is complaining about this. This seems like one of the main fatures of the system for those who want to do any decent automation.
At this point I'llprobably wait for 0810 and hope that it works there.


Jean - I've definitely heard other complaints about periodic events not being reliable (although I remember that some of them were from you, I'm pretty sure there were others). I thought I had read that LMCE used cron or anacron, but on looking through mine I cannot see any entries that match the event I have set up so I don't know how it does it...



no, LinuxMCE does not use CRON.

All events are handled by the Event Plugin.

They are read from the Event table, only once, and are refreshed when the router reloads.



so presumably the Event plugin process spends most of its time spinning in a loop with a delay reading the time and comparing it with the events it read from the event table? Then sends the appropriate DCE event message when the time passes a particular event...


Essentially the event plugin implements an interceptor for all DCE messages of type 2 (you actually can create different DCE message types, with any arbitrary payload, and create a plugin to deal with them. that's what's happening here.)

It then sends message type 1's (commands) for a given event criteria and the associated commands.

the timed events and criteria processing are handled here too.




I'd suggest to start a Wiki page, with list of features that should work. Then, users can post how they setup events sucessfully  and also what doesn't work. I remember that Pluto had defined test protocols for each set of features - I guess something similar would be also needed here. We should make a list of features and determine whether they work or not and then fix them. This will also be a working features list...

Please start  wiki page with successful and other cases regarding time events... We're all interested, just maybe not at that point yet...

Thanks in advance,


Thanks in advance,




Along the same lines, can anybody confirm that respond to events does not work properly, such as the "stop watching the media in room" with time parameters?  I have it set to turn on the mights in my room when i stop playing media > 20:00 and it just goes anytime i stop playing media, night or day.