Author Topic: JDS StarGate  (Read 27152 times)


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JDS StarGate
« on: March 16, 2005, 02:54:52 pm »

In my house I am using a RCS 308 - Control-Unit (
This device uses the basic functions of the JDS StarGate, without the telephone-functions, and it works with the same software that comes with the StarGate.
Is there a way to get this controller to work with Pluto, so that I can control all the devices ?



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RCS 308
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2005, 06:22:13 pm »
Hello Heiermann,

Pluto is very flexible system when it comes to adding new devices. So there is no doubts that it can be intergrated into the system. Currently we are working on integrating a lot of new devices and our target is to speed up as much as possible this process. I cannot guarantee that RCS 308 devices will be intergrated in the next future, but we are seeking people that would like to help us, taking into consideration that this is an open source project. If you decide to contribute to the project we will be glad to provide all the support you might need in develpment process.



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JDS StarGate
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2005, 07:00:36 pm »
Hello Heiermann,

As Igor mentioned, we don't have an RCS 308 here to test with.  We have 2 ways to add support for new device drivers.  Either way, the developer uses the Pluto Admin site and chooses "Advanced, device templates", and then adds the device, the data it needs, the commands it implements, and the events it fires.

Then there are 2 choices:  Run DCEGen, which will create a C++ project with member functions, and stubs for the commands.  That means the developer needs to know C++, but virtually anything can be done with teh driver.  More info is in the programmer's guide:

and in the DCE programmer's guide, including a tutorial:

We also have a new 'lite' program called Generic Serial Driver that for most simple serial i/o devices works with a 'point-and-click' interface using the I/R codes page in the Pluto Admin site.  It includes an embedded Ruby engine, so some basic coding is possible too.  This driver should be included in the build, and will be documented then.
