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Do I need media center remote controle? and a specific remote reciver?

Started by roberto99, December 31, 2008, 02:16:22 PM

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Hi all
I have the possibility to buy several Microsoft media center remote controls (without a respective reciver!) at once. Now I am wondering if I really do need it or if a can use any remotecontrol as I am using USB UIRT. Or IF the reciver would be included that would work well without a usb uirt (and would be cheaper).


The Remote is quite simply, the cheapest and least capable way of using the system.

With this said,

The USB UIRT can recognize almost any remote control. However, we only have device templates for the standard MCE remotes. So the MCE remotes will work out of the box, any other remote will require reading the "support for new remote controls" document on the wiki.

The USB UIRT also gives you the ability to do IR learning, which is essential IF you have an A/V device that does not already exist in our database (we have pronto codes for most manufacturers and controls, and they are very much interchangeable between them, and as part of creating new device templates, you are given the opportunity to test pronto codes that may match your device.).


Keep in mind too, that we do have the Orbiters. I would suggest looking into this software for control as well, as it is shipped with each and every copy of LinuxMCE, and is the most capable control out of the bunch.



Thanks for the anwser
Does "standard MCE remotes" mean any of the 6 types (model 1 and 2) listed in the hardware category?
Do they work with their standard ir-reciver? (no need for a specific ir-reciver?)
Thanks in advance


Yes, most of the remotes to our knowledge should work.

Yes, you CAN use the standard MCE transciever, but again, you lose the ability for IR learning, which.. you might need.

Don't go cheap, man. It will bite you in the ass.



super thanks
I got 1 usb uirt which i can use for learning if i will use some special remotes, but once i teached lmce the code by using the usb uirt, will standard trancivers be able to interprete it or will it work only trough the usb uirt?
thanks a lot for your time


The standard IR transcievers will be able to transmit it just fine. We have a special patched version of LIRC that understands Pronto codes.




Sorry, I should have clarified.

Any A/V device will work with any transciever.

However, remote codes are specific to a given transciever.
