some ideas you might like in your theme:
1) Start replacing some of the stock icons. For example, the house icon on the first security button could be replaced with an icon of the Enterprise, the At Home, Away, Sleeping icons replaced with a teleporter icon in various stages, and texts changed to "Teleported", "Hypersleep", etc...
2) the now-showing media button (first button).. It would be cool if you make it animated to have a little screen with white noise (showing that no media is tuned).. It would only take a few animation frames, and if I remember correctly i saw some animate checkboxes in Designer (though I've never tried them yet myself)
3) (Assuming that you have success with animated designobjs).. On your main screen, in the blank space in the upper right hand corner you can have an animated image of text scrolling in a text terminal (green text on black background?) to give it an ultra high-tech look
just some ideas to try to have some fun with. Anyways, congrats once again, its looking great