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Device Template

Started by cesarscav, December 04, 2008, 08:08:25 AM

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Hi all,
I get a new tv sharp aquos with rs232c port try to connect it to my core/hybrid and it was not autodetected so I try to add it manually, but first I need to edit the A/V Properties of the template as posted on wiki follow steps listed there but, when I try Edit Audio/Video Properties. I have an error telling

Cannot retrieve IR codes.

I'm Running a new installation, Unfortunately I don't have the old installation any more, to compare, but I found out that if I try to add an other av equipment it do the same thing, same error Cannot retrieve IR codes, bellow this it is a retry link when I click on it it give me an other error in the same frame saying "Device template # 0 was not found". I'm using LMCE 7.10 RC2 I386 I also tried the AMD64 same results.

thank you for any help you can give me on this.


any one please?
I'm clueless.
I do not know where to start to troubleshoot this.
Searched wiki searched forum no similar problem.
It seems that it is related with the sqlCVS?
could I start here. how do I rebuild it?


If some one please can tell me where to look for a log file to see a detail of the error


I am now seeing the same issue on my system.
Did you modify your db by any chance.

I did reinitialize my pluto_media but even after restoring a backup the problem remains.

So I too am looking into this.   I thought it was just me.

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It is a clean installation I did not touch the DB.
its possible that during installation the system tries to download something from a repository that is broken or inaccessible?
where to look for some logs tho see what could be happening? I'm not a Linux expert but I know my way around.



In the previous message is an attachment of the error screen.


He guys New installation different hawrdware new downloaded isos same problem I thinks somenthig is meessing on installation.

The Device Templates are installed locally with the cd or DVDs or they came from an other source like they are downloded at installation from some other source?



Serching the wiki I found that, as I though, the the device template's infrared or Ruby codes are fetched from the website
with this script
Quote/usr/pluto/bin/ [deviceID] [deviceTemplateID] [restriction flag]
I ran this scripts on linux shell and it response
linuxmce@dcerouter:/usr/pluto/bin$ /usr/pluto/bin/ 1856
ERROR. Empty result

Is there an alternative url that I can use to test?
what should I see if I put the parameters of the script on a browser?
I get this


An other update on this problem
I decided to take a look at the InfraredGroup_Command table on the pluto_main database. It is empty. Is this normal? from where can I download a sql file to import locally? It is possible to do this?

Thanks in advance



good point, this script does not work any more after we've moved services. I'll fix it.

br Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Thanks for your reply.
Are you going to fix the script or the service?
is something that i can do to help or test?

Thanks again



the script is the service :-) I'm sure i will find time tonite or tomorrow.

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


I sorry what I meant with service was something to fix on the site, where the codes are fetched from, or something on the local script it self. if this last is the case is there some parameters o values that I have to change? or is a complete rewrite of the script?
I ask this again is something I can do to help. I think this is a very important feature of the system and is affecting all users that wants to add new devises. Is there is a walkaround for this problem?

thank you for your great job


I'm still unavailable to retrieve  GSD or IR codes for my AV devices.
Did you had a chance to look at it?
Again if there is something I can assist in this, let me know.


Quote from: cesarscav on December 08, 2008, 09:48:23 PM
I'm still unavailable to retrieve  GSD or IR codes for my AV devices.
Did you had a chance to look at it?
Again if there is something I can assist in this, let me know.

Hi Cesar,

Hari's a busy guy right now so I expect he's a little 'snowed under' as they say. However if you want to have a quick check of where he is on this look for him on irc channel #linuxmce-devel

All the best

Andy Herron,

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