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I've been trying to figure this out for quiet some time now without any success.On the LMCE video you see the transition betwin actuall liveTV (watching directly thru the correct inputs on the tv/reciever/sat box etc.) and liveTV thru the lmce gui (with the lmce menu overlay) is instant. In my cars, on EVERY machine I've tried it on (3-4 differant machines..) it takes any where betwin 7-10 secs for the transition to accure.Note that I'm talking about LiveTV as in media type 11 and not thru mythtv.Any ideas ThnxItsik
Yes Andrew.When selecting liveTV you have the Xine Player piped directly to the pvr-150. if you pull the menu, you have an option on the left hand side called "direct a/v". Selecting this turns the tv and reciever to the inputs connected directly to the sat box (without lmce in the middle).
In the video it happened instantly while in my case it takes a good couple of secs. Same thing happenes when you hit the menu button in that state which should turn the TV and reciever back to the lmce inputs. This also takes around 7 - 10 secs.