Sorry Thom - I feel like I'm being really stupid here! I go into the devices tree (Advanced->Configuration->Devices), navigate down to the On-Screen Orbiter device under The core/hybrid, click on it, then read through the device configuration data in the right pane, but can't see a check box called "queue instead of instant play". Even if I go in via Wizard->Devices->Orbiters and click the Advanced option, its the same config data, without that option....
Am I looking in completely the wrong place? There are other options like OCG Format, Don't Auto Jump To Remote, etc just so you know exactly where I am in the web admin.
I'm using 0710 i386 DVD install, but haven't updated since RC2 except Andrew's new VDR-10 code... is it possible you have a later build where this has been added or was it always there?