Some things to note:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do all your work in a top level category folder, create a new one "MySkin" .... Do not modify Basic in any way.
With Skins, any designobj can serve as the basis for a skin variation, so there is no reason to modify basic, let's keep that clean for now. Take a look at the SmallUI category, those are variations for the Cisco 7970 skin. Note that under this folder are categories much like the top level folder.. they don't have to be the same, but it's that way to make things more consistent.
create a shell script, I call mine with the following lines:
/usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -U anonymous~nopass -H -R 3999 -e -c "Change This Comment" -r designer
This should be sufficient to get an sqlCVS menu.
You can do a
'diff' ... to see the differences between your stuff, and the central server. You can also revert some or all of your changes here.
'update' ... DO THIS FIRST before doing any designer work, so that your local database is up to date.
'checkin' to check in your changes.
You should come by the chat room to work with us the first run through, and please chat with us to let us know what you're up to. We all use this database, so we need to know if major changes are going to happen, so we can brace for them.
also this first pass, you should mysqldump your pluto_main database and keep a copy, in case something buggy happens.
To answer your second question:
the tab boxes U D L R, are interesting... normally, if Is Tab Stop is selected, Orbiter will order the tab stops automatically, pressing right will go to the closest object to the right, to the left, etc.
but you can specify a designobj # here to say, when you tab left from this object, go to desigobj 5678, instead. This should be used when the normal percieved eye flow for direction keys needs to be interrupted for some reason.