Hi Viking,
was checking the provided logs, we had no error on the ON commands that I found in the logs:
light has been off, see the polling results:
36 05/27/09 21:50:53.415 Got basic report from node 3, value: 0 <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/27/09 21:50:53.571 Got basic report from node 4, value: 0 <0xb78d9b90>
then we get the DCE command:
36 05/27/09 21:51:01.914 ON RECEIVED FOR CHILD 4 <0xb68d7b90>
36 05/27/09 21:51:01.916 ON RECEIVED FOR CHILD 3 <0xb68d7b90>
we send a job to node 4, after the 0x13 (ZW_SEND) you see the node id (0x4):
40 05/27/09 21:51:02.014 Sending job 0x840e7e8 (cb 141) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0xff 0x5 0x8d 0xb7 (#\n#### #####) <0xb78d9b90>
and we succeed:
36 05/27/09 21:51:02.062 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0xb78d9b90>
same for node 3:
40 05/27/09 21:51:02.162 Sending job 0x840ea08 (cb 142) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x3 0x20 0x1 0xff 0x5 0x8e 0xb3 (#\n#### #####) <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/27/09 21:51:02.210 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0xb78d9b90>
next report shows them switched on:
36 05/27/09 21:51:35.264 Got basic report from node 3, value: 255 <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/27/09 21:51:35.420 Got basic report from node 4, value: 255 <0xb78d9b90>
I've also checked the OFF commands, and this is where things get interesting:
node 3 is off and node 4 is on:
36 05/28/09 4:47:21.079 Got basic report from node 3, value: 0 <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/28/09 4:47:21.161 Got basic report from node 4, value: 255 <0xb78d9b90>
we get the OFF:
36 05/28/09 4:47:22.284 OFF RECEIVED FOR CHILD 4 <0xb68d7b90>
36 05/28/09 4:47:22.285 OFF RECEIVED FOR CHILD 3 <0xb68d7b90>
send to 4 and 3, both succeed:
40 05/28/09 4:47:22.286 Sending job 0x8479f08 (cb 185) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0xb9 0x7c (#\n#### ####|) <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/28/09 4:47:22.334 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0xb78d9b90>
40 05/28/09 4:47:22.439 Sending job 0x847a128 (cb 186) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0xba 0x78 (#\n#### ####x) <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/28/09 4:47:22.487 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0xb78d9b90>
but on the next report:
36 05/28/09 4:47:53.076 Got basic report from node 3, value: 0 <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/28/09 4:47:53.234 Got basic report from node 4, value: 255 <0xb78d9b90>
Please note that the node 4 is not off. But we got an acknowledge from that exact node that the ZW_SEND did succeed. Did you manually operate it between the OFF and the next polling report?
The third OFF occurence has no errors either:
36 05/27/09 23:59:20.353 OFF RECEIVED FOR CHILD 3 <0xb68d7b90>
40 05/27/09 23:59:20.407 Sending job 0x842fb28 (cb 136) - 0x1 0xa 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x3 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x88 0x4a (#\n#### ####J) <0xb78d9b90>
36 05/27/09 23:59:20.455 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0xb78d9b90>
That makes me assume that you don't have a problem with the DCE Z-Wave driver or the dongle itself. I can't see any errors for the ON/OFF commands in the log. When you further look at the issue, just check for ON/OFF log entries like above. When you see the "ZW_SEND was successful" for that job, everything from the z-wave side is fine for that command.
best regards,