Ok guys, I previously installed LinuxMCE over a previous installation of kubuntu, and it worked for a while, but then I messed some things up and kind of lost hope and gave up. I'm getting ready to give it another go, but I've got some questions I was hoping you guys could help me with. First, if I install from the DVD and not the cds over a previous kubuntu install, will it actually take out everything on my hard drive or can I choose a single partition to have it overwrite? Second, what kind of support can I get for my Nvidia Geoforce 8800 GTS card? I noticed that that card wasn't being detected or used by LinuxMCE, so I tried to install the driver using the installer from Nvidia's site (which worked with Gentoo back in the day.) Then I edited some files to make that my default video card, and I started getting problems getting KDE to boot up and so forth. Any ideas? What can I do to get this up and running?