Im not good with graphics, so here is the start of my concept.
First is the main screen. It provides buttons for the major catagories.
Media - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created media screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Lights - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created lights screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Phone - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created phone screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Climate - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created climate screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Security - static image uses goto screen to go to newly created security screen which shows all the dynamic buttons under that catagory
Adavnce - static image uses goto screen to got to screen with options that are not considered major catagory above, computing, power, adavnced options, etc
now playing moved to larger area, when you click, touch the now playing it takes you to remote for what is playing, or nowhere if no media playing.
room and user button possibly sleep button and clock also. Larger buttons make it easier to use for smaller stouch screen devices, imaginges intstead of the lettering i have will make the screen look better and smoother. adding the extra screen adds more clicks yes, but gives you the option to get more on the menu screens for the catagory as below. media menu.
has as many dynamic buttons as decided needed and more to go to similar screen with additional options as needed. dynamic buttons take you to media grid.
nowplaying functions same as main menu above.
room, user, sleep and clock as designated. a start to what is on my mind. using the correct sizing in HADesigner the same button images can be used, in a simple image replacement and not clutter you up on details of the button or look slapped together. Main buttons that use symbols and images (like the ones i pointed out) will make the main menu feel more consistant and easy to use.
planning and organizing prevents the ui from looking slapped together, not the images you use.
If that sounds like a start i will make a progession of more screens down the media line like the grid, remote, etc. If not, let me know and ill let it die for this thread.