Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
I've been (mostly) quietly working a setting up a Ruby on Rails server with complete access to the pluto databases. What this will provide is two fold: * first is a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface to the system. This will permit a decoupled Web API to the system.* second is a more interactive user interface using progressive enhancement ('m still wrestling with learning how to do progressive enhancement UIs and RESTful routes together.My first feature using the RoR server is sync'ing the DVD meta-data from DVD Profiler (I posted the first beta a few weeks ago which was command line only, the second beta, nearing completion, will have some web pages, including a more interactive media editor).Have fun,Roy