On our living-room machine, which connects to a big ole 32" CRT TV via SVideo, I originally was using the UI2 with alpha blending. The wife complained it was too hard to read the text in the guide or view the data grid, so yesterday I connected up my VGA LCD screen and set out to run the A/V Wizard and change to the UI2 Medium setting.
After trying to reach behind to connect to the monitor, I noticed the machine had locked up [first and only lockup in over a month]. When I rebooted the MD, I had no video at all to the VGA or SVideo, but I could hear the machine booting (the two sound effects were audible). Hmmm.
So I powered off again, yanked the side panel off to check for heat. No more than usual. I was using a nVidia 7200 PCIe video card with no fan, just heatsink, and the only other card in the box is the pvr-150, as far apart from the video as I can do.
So I leave the side panel off, power up again, and now I have video to the VGA and the text part appears on the SVideo, but as soon as it switches to 'windows' I get bloches of colors on the TV. So I'm thinking perhaps the video card took a power surge (the basement UPS was flickering on and off many times throughout the day. Today I'm getting a UPS for the living-room).
I had purchased a nVidia 7300GT PCIe video card with fan to test the old core as a MD, so I grabbed that video card and installed that into the living-room MD. When it booted up I held down the shift key to get the A/V Wizard to load up, selected SVideo and Medium UI, and this produced the same results as before. Nothing but large squares of colors on the TV.
Powered off again, went to a web browser, and in the Web Admin, I had it rebuild the Disk Image.
When that was finished, powered back up the living-room MD, walked through the A/V Wizard, selected SVideo and Medium UI again, and this time everything went according to plan.
My problem is now the LMCE Menu is super slow! If I'm watching TV inside MythTV and try to bring up the LMCE Guide, it takes about 10-15 seconds for it to come up on the left, and takes at least that much longer for the right panel to fill up. Trying to get the guide to flip up or down works, but much slower than before. When you press the right mouse button to close the guide, I'm left with a big black area where the guide was, and eventually it disappears, but in the meantime you can't see what's on the TV of course.
I thought the Medium UI would work better than the full blending setting.
At this rate, I think I'll just put back in the 7200 fanless video card and see what happens.... unless somebody here in the forums has run into this and knows a tip or two they can share with me?
I have found anytime I fiddle with the video settings, there's a 90% chance I'm going to get an error message about OpenGL and the Orbiter. It's not as simple as just trying the various video modes, at least for me.
This is on the AMD64 7.10RC2 version on the Core and MD. Full specs in my signature.
Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions.