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Gyration MCE RF Remote on sale at Circuit city $36.96 free shipping

Started by blackoper, May 18, 2008, 05:55:52 PM

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Compare to the Fire.. right now a great deal of around $37 dollars and 2.22 in tax. Free shpping as well.


Yup...i bought this on Friday.  $39 including tax and free shipping.



Just bought an additional one myself. Always good to have an extra!!!


".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
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Damn that is cheap compared with anything else I have seen! These appear to be pretty much the same as the Fiire Chief remote (- the "follow me" function and cosmetic differences). Problem is of course - they won't ship outside the US.

What good-samaritan out there wants to ship one to me in Australia? :D


Thanks for the lead blackoper!!!! Thats less than 1/2 as much as everywhere else on-line....I bought 2


Quote from: blackoper on May 18, 2008, 05:55:52 PM
Compare to the Fire.. right now a great deal of around $37 dollars and 2.22 in tax. Free shpping as well.

Good tip [ THANK YOU!!!!!]

it's a Good deal and CC restocks promptly
Picked up 3 for less the price of a single Fiire chief or commander

I realize the nice feature of Fiire products is the guaranteed that the drivers will work.
But the prices are steep for what you get.
From the Engine (MCE server) to Stations (clients) and even things like cables.

Is there a middle ground anywhere else?

I can put together a configuration myself, but is there a list of equipment that will work? (Im assuming thats what makes Fiire attractive) -- also their stuff is 1080i only -- any advise here?


I got two of them for $30 each....the priced dropped again. The downside is they won't ship pickup only.



you do realise that you have to do a ton of configuration to only get some of the buttons to work, right?



Quote from: tschak909 on June 17, 2008, 01:30:16 AM

you do realise that you have to do a ton of configuration to only get some of the buttons to work, right?


I think that's actually a good thing.  1. The obvious, ~$120 cheaper than the Fiire remote and 2.  We learn somthing in the process.  I don't see a down side.


To save 120 bucks each. Someone will make a hack for full functionality eventually. 


Quote from: tschak909 on June 17, 2008, 01:30:16 AM

you do realise that you have to do a ton of configuration to only get some of the buttons to work, right?


I followed this guide and thought it was complete? Is there more to do? If not, I thought is was pretty easy. Besides playing with the MCE setup is part of the fun.


This link to the wiki is mine, I have just basic functionality working on the remote. I have been playing with kernel patches to try to get the additional buttons to work. And I am getting closer to a permanent fully functional fix. But for now, following the wiki instructions you can get it to work for most everything you need to do in LMCE. Things like follow me, and such will not be implemented as that is firmware specific to the Fiire branded remote. But if you really need that, by all means spend the extra $140. Or be like me, just use the orbiter and switch your media on the fly  :D

I have 2 of these remotes now, and they are all we use anymore.

I will update the wiki as soon as we get the rest of the buttons on the remote to register with LMCE. It is an ongoing battle, but soon we will get it resolved.


".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
System stats located at my user page:



Quote from: seth on June 17, 2008, 03:27:27 PM
I have 2 of these remotes now, and they are all we use anymore.

I will update the wiki as soon as we get the rest of the buttons on the remote to register with LMCE. It is an ongoing battle, but soon we will get it resolved.

Hi Seth.

Thanks very much for the wiki page. Although I printed out the 5 pages, in reality, all I needed was probably half a page to get the functionality you have worked out. And Thanks for that!

I bought two as well... found a US dealer on eBay selling a bunch of them. I got two shipped to my door for less than the price of one from any retailer here in Ontario, Canada.

I haven't rebooted my core or MD where I'm using them, but following your instructions was easy and it works.

What's the problem with making the left and right gyro mouse clicks work?

I will be following your posts closely. Keep up the good work.


My mouse buttons work fine out of the box (after gyration "connect") and with Seth's mappings.  What I really want is play & pause buttons working for "LinuxMCE DVD" playback.

After playing for a little while with Gyration keyboard, I've concluded that /home/linuxmce/.xine/keymaps are being ignored.   :(

Also did not find any trace of keyboard input in the log files.  :(
I did see DCE responses to the buttons that do work in /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log.  So there must be something handling keyboard input and generating DCE commands.  I haven't discovered what.

Also did a wiki search looking for and didn't find anything beyond the F6, F7, & F8...

FYI, my wife likes it better than the Gryation mouse as this controller is not as sensitive. :)

Have fun,
My System: [url=""][/url]



we use libxine directly! Xine_Player is NOT xine-ui.

Xine_Player is literally a native DCE player. Please look at the source code. There is no key mapping going on of any kind.
