I wasn't sure whether this query should be on this thread or here
http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=4963.0 but I reckon it might get more attention without the "solved" in the title.
I've an i386 hybrid core running 710rc1. I had no problem adding an i386 MD but am trying to add an amd64 MD and it ain't playing ball.
I've added the MD via the web admin, specified as amd64, rebuilt image, updated and run setup diskless MD. Waited for everything to finish and booted new machine, nada!!
I populated the MAC address on the MD in the webadmin and tried again - this time machine starts to boot, h/w detection flies along as kernel boots - then I get a recurring error of "mount failed: 13". This tries a number of times then dumps me out to a busybox prompt.
What am I missing?
I have tried deleting and re-adding the MD but no luck.
I'm guessing my core is missing amd64 images for the diskless MDs - how would I know this? and if so where do I get them?