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STB with PVR-500 problem

Started by gazlang, March 18, 2008, 02:02:14 PM

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Has anyone successfully set up an external STB (like a sky box) connected via s-video (or componant a/v) to a PVR-500 (PVR-150 will be the same)??

I am having trouble figuring out how to watch my sky box on LMCE.
I have added my sky box as an av device (external satellite box) and specified in the device to use my pvr's s-video input as the video pipe.

I have a 'SKY' button on my orbiter media menu, but when I click it I just lose the media menu and the flikr slide show continues showing.

Do I need to set mythtv up to use my pvr inputs?

At the moment, I am just figuring out how to display the STB av. I have ordered a UIRT to control my STB with the view of being able to set recording times for sky-tv programs.

Is there a way to get the epg for sky tv? Can anyone provide a comprehensive 'how to' from experience of having a similar set-up?

Many thanks in advance!
AMD Athlon 5800+ X2
Asus M2N-SLI-Deluxe
2x Corsair XMS6400 DDR2 512mb
Samsung 400GB SATA + 500GB SATA
nVidia GeForce 7300GT
Hauppauge Nova-T 500
Hauppauge PVR-500
Thermaltake low-noise 450w PSU
Thermaltake Bach Case w/ imon vfd
Fiire Remote


I have a similar setup to this, however, I am fortunate to be in the US, and have for my dish network program guide data. During the initial setup, Sarah should have seen your pvr500, I have 2 pvr150's which is very similar to a single pvr500.

During the setup of the Media Player, my dish dvr was not a member of the list, so I had to use webadmin and create this device, after that was done, It was seen by Sarah. The first instance of my pvr150 was for the "Live TV DVR522" shortcut on the LMCE menu. Then the second instance was for the MythTV part of the setup, where I had to enter my schedules direct information. This part you will not be able to complete, as LMCE uses schedulesdirect. As you have Sky TV, you will need to run mythtv-setup manually.

You can do this by using the "Computing" > "MythTV Setup" option within LMCE, or by going to a KDE Desktop session, and using konsole (terminal) as user root to run 'mythtv-setup'

Once this is done, and you have run mythfilldatabase, you should be able to access the sky box, via the "TV" shortcut on the LMCE menu.

However, without the need of the USB-UIRT, although you will need this for recording TV" By selecting "Sky" or "Live TV Sky" from LMCE menu, you should be able to use your existing remote, and watch TV through LMCE. This you should be able to do now, provided you selected the right input during the Setup Wizard.

I am using 2 Dish Network Receivers, and they work both in MythTV, as well as "Live TV"

If there are any other questions, please post them, I will try to help as best I can.  ;D

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Cheers for the info, i'll try playing round some more later.

Just one thing though, from myth tv setup I only see 2 epg grabbers for the UK - do I use one of these for sky tv? or do I have to download additional grabbers? If I do use one of these, how does it know that i'm using sky and what channels my sky box can receive??
AMD Athlon 5800+ X2
Asus M2N-SLI-Deluxe
2x Corsair XMS6400 DDR2 512mb
Samsung 400GB SATA + 500GB SATA
nVidia GeForce 7300GT
Hauppauge Nova-T 500
Hauppauge PVR-500
Thermaltake low-noise 450w PSU
Thermaltake Bach Case w/ imon vfd
Fiire Remote


Ok, still no luck with this! Decided to do a clean install with VDR, and test the live TV in this.
I get a Sky button but no TV when I click it!

Just a quick run through of what I did -

in lmce-admin I clicked add av device from the top wizard drop down
selected SKY as manufacturer, and satellite box av and then added new device template

A screen pops up for selecting 'controlled by' devices - I dont have any means to control this so select 'unknown' and next to further screens which ask for ir codes etc..  I don't need these so skip to the end.

Then I start the orbiter back up and select setup wizard. The wizard gets to av devices and my device is there as 'Sky'. On the next screen I choose which of my pvr500 inputs is connected to Sky and which room I want to use it in. Get to the end of the wizard and restart the router.

The button 'Sky' has appeared on my orbiter, but as said above, doesn't display what is connected to my pvr.

In the lmce-admin av devices the device Sky is there and has boxes saying comm port on pc = ttyl50 and capture card port= 28 - don't know if these are correct??

I also tried setting up a generic analog camera device in much the same way as above - but with the same results!

Can anyone shed any light???
AMD Athlon 5800+ X2
Asus M2N-SLI-Deluxe
2x Corsair XMS6400 DDR2 512mb
Samsung 400GB SATA + 500GB SATA
nVidia GeForce 7300GT
Hauppauge Nova-T 500
Hauppauge PVR-500
Thermaltake low-noise 450w PSU
Thermaltake Bach Case w/ imon vfd
Fiire Remote


Hi gazlang
thanks (again) for link,  other than shutting down and cold booting, only help i can give  is that my settings are

com port is blank
capture card port is 39
regards Ian


it worked- thanks! Did a clean install with myth and set th tv up in myth tv after 5mins shut down. Got a feelin tho that lmce was set up wrong for my sky input - tryin to communicate through a random port.
Anyway, i pretty much got th xmltv guide sorted for uk sky tv now.
Though i think th radio times grabber for th uk is broke as it seems to crash myth when searchin for listings.
I'll post on th wiki when it's all sorted
AMD Athlon 5800+ X2
Asus M2N-SLI-Deluxe
2x Corsair XMS6400 DDR2 512mb
Samsung 400GB SATA + 500GB SATA
nVidia GeForce 7300GT
Hauppauge Nova-T 500
Hauppauge PVR-500
Thermaltake low-noise 450w PSU
Thermaltake Bach Case w/ imon vfd
Fiire Remote