I have done a lot of poking around the sources, and it seams to me that there is a state event:
EVENT_State_Changed_CONST defined in pluto_main
Looking at the lighting plugin however, shows:
RegisterMsgInterceptor(( MessageInterceptorFn )( &Lighting_Plugin::LightingCommand ), 0, 0, 0, DEVICECATEGORY_Lighting_Device_CONST, MESSAGETYPE_COMMAND, 0 );
RegisterMsgInterceptor(( MessageInterceptorFn )( &Lighting_Plugin::LightingFollowMe ), 0, 0, 0, 0, MESSAGETYPE_EVENT, EVENT_Follow_Me_Lighting_CONST );
RegisterMsgInterceptor(( MessageInterceptorFn )( &Lighting_Plugin::DeviceOnOff ), 0, 0, 0, 0, MESSAGETYPE_EVENT, EVENT_Device_OnOff_CONST );
RegisterMsgInterceptor(( MessageInterceptorFn )( &Lighting_Plugin::GetVideoFrame ), 0, 0, 0, 0, MESSAGETYPE_COMMAND, COMMAND_Get_Video_Frame_CONST );
So the EVENT_State_Changed_CONST isn't even supported.. It would be easy to add it to the lighting plugin though..
Anyways, got some good things done so far today... I finally have floorplan objects updating to show the state of lights when an external xx10 remote is used to turn them on and off..