True, true, the original compile failed on my box too, but that's a pretty old thread, meant for a previous ubuntu version. If you read the entire thread (which is a pain, I know) then you can find a solution... Errr, hold on, I'll try to give you my method:
Install lirc and the lirc-modules-kernel version-generic
After this you need to load the lirc_imon module:
modprobe lirc_imon (add "lirc_imon" to your /etc/modules file to start it at boot)
Now it has made a /dev/lcd0 file, except I wasn't able to write to it... so I had to chmod it (and I have to do this after every boot):
chmod 666 /dev/lcd0
And now you can output to the display! (But only up to 32 chars, otherwise it'll give you some error)
echo -n "Hello" > /dev/lcd0
I'm using LMCE 0710 beta 3. I know I need to fix a lot more (like that knob or that infrared thing or the chmod thing) but that's for later