I need HELP. I don't really need anyone to tell me again to just GET "apt-get install lcdproc" It doesn't exist. I read all of the wiki's and forum information as I was told to do. Some use synaptic but I read it could damage my setup so it defaults to using Adept. OK. It isn't there... If it's missing, could it get put back? If I need to check or uncheck something or add a new source in the Adept setup, what is it?
I did an apt-get update. It isn't there. Here are my Adept repository sources and I haven't changed them:
Kubuntu Softwaredownload from the internetCanonical-supported Open source software (main) -
checkedCommunity-maintained Open source software (universe) -
checkedProprietary drivers for devices (restricted) -
checkedSoftware restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse) -
checkedSource Code - not checked
Download from: set to
Main ServerThird-Party softwaresoftware sourcesfile:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./ -
checkedhttp://linuxmce.com/ubuntu/ ./ -
checkedhttp://deb.linuxmce.com/ubuntu/ 20dev_ubuntu main -
checkedhttp://deb.linuxmce.com/ubuntu/ replacements_ubuntu main -
checkedKubuntu Updatesimportant security updates -
checkedrecommended updates -
checkedpre-release updates -
not checkedunsupported updates -
not checkedAutomatic Updatescheck for updates -
checkeddownload all updates in the background -
not checkedonly notify about available updates -
checkedThis was the adept setup on a clean install. What's wrong?
Please, I need help. Thanks