Thank you. it's very time consuming because of the sheer amount of integration work and testing involved, but it is worth it. Primarily because I am dead set against seeing most anything appear in the Computing window.
MAME will be the first type implemented, with MESS being added on soon after (with specific emulator types added on one by one.) Not every emulator can be a candidate for being added, most of them are very cantankerous badly written beasts, who tend to take over the screen, have no source code, or have very little way to integrate wanted features. (The biggest problem is that most emulators don't make a window that can be resized by window management to full screen, much less stacked, this is crucial to orbiter integration.)....
anyway, it's been a long time in the making. I've had to pause work on it because of release duties, but there is enough of it that an early beta can be grafted onto existing 0710 installations (thankfully the majority of the database work required was already done by the time that 0710 was plucked for release.), but I will return to improving it soon, alongside my work with the IM system.