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Help us build more Phone Line providers into 0710!

Started by totallymaxed, January 10, 2008, 11:47:21 AM

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We are looking for people to contribute new Phone Line Provider scripts for providers in their country/region that are not already available in the 'Provider' pop-up in Wizard -> Devices -> Phone Lines

Below is the source for the "" for SipGate. You can cut/paste it into a new file and change the settings where appropriate for your new provider. The save it with a new name in same format but replacing the "xxxxxxxxx" with he name of the provider you are adding ie

Once you have created your new "" file create a Mantis called "New PhoneLine Provider" in the 0710 section called and attach your script to it.

Thats all there is to it... then in the coming weeks these new providers will appear in a 0710 update.

Thanks in advance for your contribution!

****** Please not the Perl Source below has had comments added to all lines that may need to be changed/updated for the specific provider that you are trying to add support for. Hope this helps you make the changes you need to for your chosen provider...******


use strict;
use diagnostics;
use DBI;

my $DECLARED_HOST = ""; ### Will need to be changed!
my $DECLARED_PREFIX = "9"; ### May need to be changed!
my $LOCAL_PREFIX1 = ""; ### May need to be changed!
my $LOCAL_PREFIX2 = ""; ### May need to be changed!

my $TRUNK_URL = 'http://localhost/admin/config.php?display=trunks&tech=SIP'; ### May need to be changed!
my %TRUNK_VARS = ();
my $TRUNK_DATA = "";

my $OUT_URL = 'http://localhost/admin/config.php?display=routing'; ### May need to be changed!
my %OUT_VARS = ();
my $OUT_DATA = "";

my $IN_URL = 'http://localhost/admin/config.php?display=did'; ### May need to be changed!
my %IN_VARS = ();
my $IN_DATA = "";

#check params
unless (defined($ARGV[0]) && defined($ARGV[1]) && defined($ARGV[2]))
    print "USAGE :$0 <username> <password> <phone_number> [<register_host>] [<prefix_to_use_the_line>]\n";

#fix permissions on each run
`chmod g+w /etc/asterisk/*`;
#add local prefixes

$DECLARED_HOST=$ARGV[3] if(defined($ARGV[3]));
$DECLARED_PREFIX=$ARGV[4] if(defined($ARGV[4]));

### Some Or all of the $TRUNK_VARS below may need to be updated/changed for the provider you are adding

$TRUNK_VARS{'peerdetails'} ="allow=alaw&alaw&ulaw&g729&gsm&slinear\n";

$TRUNK_VARS{'userconfig'} ="allow=alaw&alaw&ulaw&g729&gsm&slinear\n";

foreach my $var (keys %TRUNK_VARS)
    my $str = $TRUNK_VARS{$var};
    $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
    $TRUNK_DATA    .=$var."=".$str."&";
`curl -d '$TRUNK_DATA' '$TRUNK_URL' > /dev/null`;

`curl -L '$OUT_URL&extdisplay=001-9_outside&action=delroute' > /tmp/curl.log`;
open(PAGE,"/tmp/curl.log") or die "Bad thing happend";
my $OUT_ROUTE = "";
    if($_ =~ /[<]option value[=]\"([^\"]+)\"[>]SIP\/sipgate[<]\/option[>]/)  ### Will need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'display'}="routing";  ### May need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'extdisplay'}="";  ### May need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'action'}="addroute"; ### May need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'routename'}="sipgate"; ### Will need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'routepass'}=""; ### May need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'dialpattern'}=$LOCAL_PREFIX2; ### May need to be changed!
$OUT_VARS{'trunkpriority[0]'}=$OUT_ROUTE; ### May need to be changed!
exit unless($OUT_ROUTE ne "");
foreach my $var (keys %OUT_VARS)
    my $str = $OUT_VARS{$var};
    $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
    $OUT_DATA .=$var."=".$str."&";
`rm -f /tmp/curl.log ; curl -d '$OUT_DATA' '$OUT_URL' > /dev/null`;

$IN_VARS{'display'}="did"; ### May need to be changed!
$IN_VARS{'extdisplay'}=""; ### May need to be changed!
$IN_VARS{'action'}="addIncoming"; ### May need to be changed!
$IN_VARS{'extension'}=$DECLARED_NUMBER; ### May need to be changed!
$IN_VARS{'goto0'}="custom"; ### May need to be changed!
$IN_VARS{'custom0'}="custom-linuxmce,10".$1.",1" if($OUT_ROUTE=~/(\d)$/);
foreach my $var (keys %IN_VARS)
    my $str = $IN_VARS{$var};
    $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
`curl -d '$IN_DATA' '$IN_URL' > /dev/null`;

#run AMP's scripts to generate asterisk's config
`curl 'http://localhost/admin/config.php?handler=reload' > /dev/null`;
#create telecom defaults
#reload asterisk
`asterisk -r -x reload`;

sub get_local_prefixes()
    my $CONF_HOST="localhost";
    my $CONF_USER="root";
    my $CONF_PASSWD="";
    my $DB_PL_HANDLE = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=pluto_main;host=".$CONF_HOST.";user=".$CONF_USER.";password=".$CONF_PASSWD.";") or die "Could not connect to MySQL";
    my $DB_SQL;
    my $DB_ROW;

    $LOCAL_PREFIX1 = "112\n411\n911\n9|.\n";
    $DB_SQL = "SELECT IK_DeviceData,FK_DeviceData FROM Device_DeviceData JOIN Device ON FK_Device=PK_Device WHERE FK_DeviceTemplate=34 AND (FK_DeviceData=141 OR FK_DeviceData=142 OR FK_DeviceData=143) ORDER BY FK_DeviceData;";
    $DB_STATEMENT = $DB_PL_HANDLE->prepare($DB_SQL) or die "Couldn't prepare query '$DB_SQL': $DBI::errstr\n";
    $DB_STATEMENT->execute() or die "Couldn't execute query '$DB_SQL': $DBI::errstr\n";

    return unless($DB_ROW = $DB_STATEMENT->fetchrow_hashref());
    return unless($DB_ROW->{'FK_DeviceData'} == 141);
    if($DB_ROW->{'IK_DeviceData'} > 0)
        my $prefix = $DB_ROW->{'IK_DeviceData'};
        return unless($DB_ROW = $DB_STATEMENT->fetchrow_hashref());
        return unless($DB_ROW->{'FK_DeviceData'} == 142);
        my $digit = $DB_ROW->{'IK_DeviceData'};
        return unless($DB_ROW = $DB_STATEMENT->fetchrow_hashref());
        return unless($DB_ROW->{'FK_DeviceData'} == 143);
        my $length = $DB_ROW->{'IK_DeviceData'};
        my $short = "";
        my $long = "";
        for( my $i=0;$i<$length;$i++)
            $short .= "X";
            $long .= "X";
        for( my $i=0;$i<length($prefix);$i++)
            $long .= "X";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX1 =~ s/\n[^\n]+\n$/\n/s;
        $LOCAL_PREFIX2 =~ s/\n[^\n]+\n$/\n/s;
        $LOCAL_PREFIX1 .= ($digit<0?"":$digit.$prefix."+").$short."\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX1 .= ($digit<0?"":$digit."+").$long."\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX1 .= $DECLARED_PREFIX."|.\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX2 .= $short."\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX2 .= $long."\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX2 .= "9|112\n9|411\n9|911\n";
        $LOCAL_PREFIX2 .= "9|".($digit<0?"":$digit).$long."\n";
$LOCAL_PREFIX2 .= "9|0.\n9|*.\n";
Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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I'd like to provide my Swedish provider. I have an * server running on a Gentoo box at the moment serving as my VoIP gw.

Is there a particular file that I just can grab from it and send to you (this thread)?


Quote from: posterberg on January 10, 2008, 03:22:59 PM
I'd like to provide my Swedish provider. I have an * server running on a Gentoo box at the moment serving as my VoIP gw.

Is there a particular file that I just can grab from it and send to you (this thread)?

No there is not at present. Currently to add a new provider you will have to follow the instructions in my post above... the provider setup has to be added to the Perl code provided.
Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



Quote from: totallymaxed on January 10, 2008, 03:50:52 PM
Quote from: posterberg on January 10, 2008, 03:22:59 PM
I'd like to provide my Swedish provider. I have an * server running on a Gentoo box at the moment serving as my VoIP gw.

Is there a particular file that I just can grab from it and send to you (this thread)?

No there is not at present. Currently to add a new provider you will have to follow the instructions in my post above... the provider setup has to be added to the Perl code provided.

Ok, I can see a few ten lines in the beginning that seems to be what I have to edit. IP, username, passwd etc. That's about what I remember that I had to put into * to get it up and running, without any extra features..

Your Perl file seem to be quite long, do I have to look through the whole thing or would it be enough to just put in the provider details in the beginning? That is what scared me off a bit ;o)


If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Andrew, maybe we should set qualify to 10 or something like this...
It ensures that the phone line is tested every 10 seconds with a sip-options-packet and initiate a re-register, if the line broke down. and it keeps the udp-ports open...
For those of the users without a static ip address or a nat-router, that option is vital...


best regards,



"Change is inevitable. Progress is optional."
-- Anonymous



Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



Quote from: posde on January 10, 2008, 07:02:20 PM

like this


Line 112 of your script still has sipgate still instead of 1und1. I looked at Zaerc's and your scripts to make sure I caught everything. Just happened to noticed you missed that one. I've never submitted anything in Mantis and am new to this whole deal so I apologize if I stepped on any toes.

Silverstone LC20M (silver)
Fiire Chief
Asus A8N-E
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Skystar 2
Hauppauge WinTV-PVR 150 MCE
PNY 7300GT
Sony XL1B3
Sherwood RVD-6090 (needs replaced)


Posted ViaTalk US-Central (Chicago server)

I was going to do the other three servers (west, east, and beta), but couldn't find the addresses anywhere. Had to pull the Chicago server address from my Linksys adapter.  :)
Silverstone LC20M (silver)
Fiire Chief
Asus A8N-E
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Skystar 2
Hauppauge WinTV-PVR 150 MCE
PNY 7300GT
Sony XL1B3
Sherwood RVD-6090 (needs replaced)


Quote from: posterberg on January 10, 2008, 05:05:04 PM
Quote from: totallymaxed on January 10, 2008, 03:50:52 PM
Quote from: posterberg on January 10, 2008, 03:22:59 PM
I'd like to provide my Swedish provider. I have an * server running on a Gentoo box at the moment serving as my VoIP gw.

Is there a particular file that I just can grab from it and send to you (this thread)?

No there is not at present. Currently to add a new provider you will have to follow the instructions in my post above... the provider setup has to be added to the Perl code provided.

Ok, I can see a few ten lines in the beginning that seems to be what I have to edit. IP, username, passwd etc. That's about what I remember that I had to put into * to get it up and running, without any extra features..

Your Perl file seem to be quite long, do I have to look through the whole thing or would it be enough to just put in the provider details in the beginning? That is what scared me off a bit ;o)

Totallymaxed - I would be interested in the answer to this as well. I have a website ( that list 264 Australian VSP/VoIP providers. I will SPAM them all asking for their assistance in modifying this script to add them to the list, but I need to know exactly what instructions to give their technical people. Obviously, only a fraction of these providers will respond positively, but any direction I can give them will increase the uptake. So can you point to the areas that you think will need modifying by each provider?


Hi Jason,

thanks will fix.
Quote from: jetrich on January 10, 2008, 10:33:57 PM
I've never submitted anything in Mantis and am new to this whole deal so I apologize if I stepped on any toes.

And that mantis was my first entry into the LinuxMCE mantis :)

If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


I have sent out an email to all the Australian residential VoIP providers that I could find a sales email address for - total of 102 providers. So far only about 5 or 6 have bounced back as invalid or otherwise, so it remains to be seen whether they seize the opportunity! Here is a copy of the email in case you are interested:

Dear Australian VoIP Service Provider

I write to you with an opportunity for your organisation - if this is not the correct email address, please could you forward this to your Sales and/or Business Development team.

I am representing the software development team for Linux Media Center Edition - Linux MCE - in Australia on this subject. This product provides TV, DVD, video, audio and other forms of media into a "whole of house" distributed entertainment system integrated with a full telephony/PABX, home automation, Internet access, home security and many other features. The media player functionality alone far outstrips anything that Microsoft Windows MCE can provide - and yet it still goes much further. This product is fully Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), under a GNU GPL licence - meaning that anybody can download and install it free of charge or restrictions, and even redistribute it at will.

You will have noticed that I mentioned Telephony - it uses an integrated Asterisk PABX server to provide voice, voice mail, intelligent routing, security breach call out/back-to-base, conferencing, etc with a connection to a VoIP Service Provider such as yourselves.

Currently, the system has a small number of (non-Australian) VSP's preconfigured for auto-setup. The developers are finalising the next major version release in the next couple of weeks - it is currently in Beta2 testing. They are very keen to extend the list of supported VSPs in all countries around the globe and have made an open invitation to have VSPs customise the configuration script specifically for their service - this would mean that during the Linux MCE setup, when asked for your VSP, your company name would be listed as an option so that the user could simply click and start using VoIP over your network.

As I say, this is an Open Source project, so there would be no charge associated with this, nor any commitment beyond what you already commit to your customers - however, I'm sure that you can see that this could be a significant opportunity for your company to increase sales by having that level of visibility and ease of configuration.

If you are interested in your company being included in the next release of Linux MCE, please reply to me ASAP and I will supply you with the configuration script. Once your technical people have customised this for your service, you can send it back to me, and I will have it included in the upcoming release. Please note - I do not have the resources available to configure the script for you. If you wish to be included - you need to make a commitment for your technical people to configure this script. You should also be prepared to provide a temporary test VoIP account so that we can test the configuration before it is frozen for release.



Quote from: chewi on January 10, 2008, 07:44:40 PM
Andrew, maybe we should set qualify to 10 or something like this...
It ensures that the phone line is tested every 10 seconds with a sip-options-packet and initiate a re-register, if the line broke down. and it keeps the udp-ports open...
For those of the users without a static ip address or a nat-router, that option is vital...


best regards,


Valid point Chewi. Can you create a separate Mantis please that raises those issues and i will make sure one of the Pluto Devs looks into it next week. Thanks
Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]
