The prob of myth is, there is no way turn on the LNB-Voltage.
If my Topfield is turned off, myth get no channel. Is it on some were found.In vdr the DiSEqC-settings could be edit, nut in myth i found none.
I'll wait for 710 official beta1, which is here announced.
LMCE is a great project!!!
It could be (called in german), "Die eierlegende Wollmilchsau".
The Guys do a great job!!!
But all Step by Step
In the moment i have use it for my analog TV (Loewe), AMP (Yamaha), DVD (Panasonic) and PVR (Topfield*). My wife wants to use the things too, also i made the scrips on the Pronto. So she can use it with 4 fingertips.
* Topfield is here in Germany the best SAT-PVR to get for money. The new model TF7700PVR has 2 DVB-S2 Inputs and a HDD up to 750GB. In the future the software should stream the contend of the HDD in the network.
For my testsystem i have an Antec Fusion Black 430 with the imon VFD.
Would be nice to have a "step by step" HowTo, because my knowlegde of linux is very, very small.
In the moment i use it only for my ripped DVD's on my THECUS 5200 Pro.
To use it for audio, like mp3's in the moment it's impossible. I have all my mp3's with full ID2-Tag (v2.3) incl. the covers (front, back, media), but LMCE isn't able to sort it like iTunes or so. LMCE don't get the first Cover (description in TAG for FRONT). LMCE isn't able to get only the front cover, when in the TAG were more than one. LMCE don't use the Track-No in ID3-Tags to sort them.
I think this will be solved in the future
Here in Germany is only MERTEN, who offers Z-Wave Products. But in the german LMCE-Forum was a topic, that the code in LMCE and the new Z-Wave Products must be made new. To test it in the moment it's too expensive (got time).