Author Topic: Installing 0710b2 from DVD ISO *File*  (Read 2965 times)


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Installing 0710b2 from DVD ISO *File*
« on: January 05, 2008, 09:32:52 pm »
0710b2 is distributed as a DVD ISO file, but it's too big (~5.5GB) to burn on a single-layer (4.7GB) DVD. So I'm trying to install from the ISO file, as some have reported in the forums doing successfully. But so far it's not working.

I'm starting from instructions for installing Gentoo from a USB Flash drive. The process is basically to create a bootable HD partition containing the DVD files, then booting into that. But the original (0704) LMCE bootable partition continues to boot, not the new 0710 partition.

Here's my steps. If someone can correct them, I'd appreciate it.

# Partition the LMCE HD (>6GB).
  # If there's a usable existing partition, use it (empty it first).
  # If a new partition is necessary, create one from unpartitioned space if there's enough. If an existing partition has enough empty space, shrink it with parted first. A safe and convenient method is to use the GParted liveCD, which is especially helpful when the existing partitions don't allow you to unmount a target to be resized while still accessing files needed on it (eg. a single Linux partition).
  # Since the bootloader used is syslinux, which requires FAT, and the partition is >4GB, the filesystem should be FAT32 (mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/<partition>) .
  # Mark the new partition "active" (bootable), and mark the old boot partition unbootable (eg with g/parted or with fdisk).
# Install an MBR.
  # LMCE's installed version of syslinux doesn't include the mbr file, but the Ubuntu 0710 (Gutsy) version does. So you have to download the syslinux package, use ar to extract its data.tar.gz file, then use tar to extract its usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin file.
  # Copy the mbr to the partition (dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/<partition>) .
# Mount the DVD ISO.
  # mkdir -p /mnt/dvd
  # mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 kubuntu-linuxmce-0710-i386-beta-2.iso /mnt/dvd
# Mount the HD partition.
  # mkdir -p /mnt/target
  # mount -t vfat /dev/<partition> /mnt/target
# Copy the DVD files to the HD partition.
  # cp -r /mnt/dvd/* /mnt/target/
  # mv /mnt/target/isolinux/* /mnt/target/
  # mv /mnt/target/isolinux.cfg /mnt/target/syslinux.cfg
  # rm -rf /mnt/target/isolinux*
# Unmount the ISO and partition.
  # umount /mnt/dvd; umount /mnt/target
# Install the bootloader.
  # syslinux /dev/<partition>

That all seems to make sense. I ran it against /dev/sda3 (a newly created 6.4GB partition). But when I do it, the system just boots into LMCE 0704 (from sda1). Which is a mystery, because fdisk shows the drive's partition table flags sda3 as bootable, but not sda1.

Also, when 0710 comes up, there's some networking problems. (ifconfig -a) shows eth0 configured as the outside LAN segment, but the old eth1 is gone, and eth2 exists but is not up. And the DHCPd fails to start, running (/etc/init.d/dhcpd3-server) fails with a "Fail" message (but no details).

What's wrong with this picture?


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Re: Installing 0710b2 from DVD ISO *File*
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 05:54:58 pm »
The bootable partition flag is ignored by Linux. You are probably booting into grub which only has the existing LMCE 0704 install configured. You need to point this to the isolinux image on the new partition. I stuck with LILO until recently so my grub expertise is near nil, but my guess is you just have to add a line or two to /boot/grub/menu.lst (on your existing LMCE 0704 partition.) This can also be done at boot time if you're a grub wizard, but again this is not my area of expertise. My guess is a half hour reading the grub documentation on the web would probably turn up a solution. Alternatively, look at the syslinux documentation, it is that last step of the installation procedure "Install the bootloader." which is failing, possibly because it's only updating that partition and not the master boot record.


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Re: Installing 0710b2 from DVD ISO *File*
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 07:37:02 am »
The bootable partition flag is ignored by Linux. You are probably booting into grub which only has the existing LMCE 0704 install configured. You need to point this to the isolinux image on the new partition. I stuck with LILO until recently so my grub expertise is near nil, but my guess is you just have to add a line or two to /boot/grub/menu.lst (on your existing LMCE 0704 partition.) This can also be done at boot time if you're a grub wizard, but again this is not my area of expertise. My guess is a half hour reading the grub documentation on the web would probably turn up a solution. Alternatively, look at the syslinux documentation, it is that last step of the installation procedure "Install the bootloader." which is failing, possibly because it's only updating that partition and not the master boot record.

I tried grub, adding
Code: [Select]
title ISO image on sda3 (LMCE v0710b2)
kernel (hd0,2)/casper/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 BOOTMEDIA=cd
initrd (hd0,2)/casper/initrd.gz
to /boot/grub/menu.lst . It booted OK, except that the partition somehow was mounted on a dir called "/root", and booting halted in (initramfs) with a busybox shell and (I assume initramfs) stuff in /. When I changed it to "root=(hd0,2)/dev/sda3", I got a "init: /init 157 Error divide by zero" kernel panic when it tried to mount the root filesystem.
