Thank you for your reply. I have added the remote to the media director without success of it working. I tried the ssh to the director ad logged in however when I run 'depmod' I get an error -> FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/modeules.dep.temp for writing: Permission denied <- I tried the same command with sudo and I have no idea what the password is. I tried the password I used to login but it doesn't except it. Any other suggestions?
ok... if you installed from the DVD then your login will be;
User: linuxmce
Pass: linuxmce
If you installed from the CD's then your login is whatever you chose when you installed from the Kubuntu 7.04 CD.
Make sure you have your Windows MCE remote and mce_usb2 added to your MD in Web Admin. Now go to your core then get to the KDE desktop and open a Konsole session from Kmenu -> System -> Konsole
Then type;
sudo su - <return> (*this means you dont need to type sudu in front of commands*)
(enter your password at the prompt)
Now make sure your MD is powered up and booted and then type;
ssh moonxx <return> (*or ssh <ip address of MD>*)
Now your logged into your MD and you can type;
depmod <return>
Now either just do a reload router or if that does not get the remote working then reboot the MD and it will be!
Merry Christmas!