Hi all,
First of all, thanks Dave, for kicking off this topic!
I've been reading the LinuxMCE Wiki from top to bottom, seen the video and I am mighty interested in the whole project.
Just last weekend, when I finally banned Vista of my HTPC which I especially assembled for this purpose, I installed another (Open Source - Windows) HTPC solution. I am still stumbling with some things there but it's up and running. Because of this 'stumbling' on a few items, like the quality of the TV channels, I was looking (or browsing) for other solutions until I came around LMCE. I think this could be the total solution that I would like to have... when I get it to work the way even my wife can handle and would (finally) embrace... ;-)
While reading the Wiki and all other (support and FAQ) pages I was wondered that there is nothing said about localization of LMCE. The first time I came around this was at this post.
Can you Dave, or anyone else, please inform me about the following items:
- Is the UI already possible (direct or after some modifications) in the Dutch language (the Admin is of no issue right now)?
- Is there already some solution to retrieve a EPG (automatically would be ideal)?
- Are there some other considerations because this product is (at first) aimed to the US community?
When LMCE can be used in the Dutch language (for my wife, remember ;-) and it supports a EPG for the Dutch TV channels I will install it immediate! Besides of that, I maybe can even be of help to the community as I am a programmer myself (Delphy, PHP, SQL, (D)HTML, Scripts, etc.).
Kind regards,
Ries (Richard)