I am new to the forum and am also relatively new to Linux so please bear with me if I make terrible mistakes.
I have just installed LinuxMCE from the quick install DVD. Not 100% smooth as I was going for a dedicated core so had to fight past LMCE's need to start the media station. This done I added some more hard drives to the system. All well and good, detected fine and recognised in the KDE System Settings Disk and File panel.
Ok so now I need to fdisk them and this is where my problem starts.
When I try to run fdisk (cfdisk, sfdisk or other flavours) I am told that I need to install the util-linux package. Ok, the handy hint tells me the sudo apt-get command I need so I run that. Apparently my util-linux is fully up to date..... so why then do I not have any fdisk. At the point I would normally have turned to the install DVD and run it from there but I have used all the IDE channels on my machine with hard drives and no longer have a DVD connected after the install.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance