Once a set of devices has been installed into the system, you can define two main uses:
* Scenarios - These are buttons which appear on your orbiters, to trigger commands. These are scoped by room. For example, I may have under lighting:
- On - Turn all lights on in the room to a comfortable level
- Off - Turn off all the lights.
- Lounge - Turn all the celing lights to 20%, turn the floor lamps to 30%
- Reading - Turn off all ceiling lights, turn the lights farthest from my reading chair to 20%, turn my reading lamp to 50% and the rest off
These buttons appear next to the Floorplan button, and provide a quick way to send a series of commands to any of the devices.
But how do you know which devices are which?
When, for example, a new device is known to the system, i.e. for lighting, the Setup Wizard will start and go through the process of verifying how many lights you have in the system, what they are (and naming them), and what rooms they are in...
Once this is done, each light is given a device # in the core.
You can then in the Web Admin site use the Scenario wizards (such as lighting), to create new scenarios, and to add light levels to each light for a scenario (and if you switch to Advanced Wizard, any other commands you wish to send to other devices...)
* Events - Events are simply things which happen during the course of time within the system, you can either respond to events such as (Sunrise, Sunset, someone is at the door, etc.), or you can have timed events (this should happen every morning at 7am), etc... They work the same way as scenarios, except they have a series of event conditions attached to them. There are LOTS of events, and some of them are only available in the advanced menu, and should you use more advanced event scenarios, a lot of care should be taken to make sure the events work properly.