big progress for today:
with the patience and help from Zaerc we sorted out some sqlCVS things
these days. We successfully checked in a complete DCE device template
(GSD) with ruby codes from one installation and pulled that from another.
For now we did the following:
Server side:
* imported the *.sqlcvs files from a 0704 installation on the master repo
* cleaned all *psc* tables and fields with the script
* created a fresh repository with sqlcvs-dumps/scripts/
* enabled history with "sqlCVS history-all"
* dumped new *.sqlcvs files with "sqlCVS -r dce,designer,ir,... dump"
Client side:
* dropped ir,designer and dce from the local database of a fresh 0704
installation with the scripts sqlcvs-dumps/scripts/
(./ ir ; ./ dce ; ...)
That erases all psc information and all data for the tables in that repos
* imported the new *.sqlcvs files (sqlcvs-dumps/0704-new) with "sqlCVS
-r dce,designer,ir import"
* added the D-LinkDCS-5300G on one side and did a checkin with "nopass"
(-a has to be used for dce, FK_Users_Maintainer references Users, that
table is not in the master repo ***)
* approved the batch in the master repo:* did an update on the other installation
* newly synced device was checked for ruby codes, all there
so this gives us a newly initialized repo with future history and
synchronized clients. So we can start our own master even if we don't
get the history tables from pluto. We would have to include the new dump
files in a installer build.
I see the number of LMCE devices skyrocketing when we have sqlCVS in
Big thanks (and some promised beers) to Sir Zaerc.