./MessageSend -help
Usage: MessageSendTest server [-targetType [device|category|template]] [-r | -o] [-p path] DeviceFrom DeviceTo MsgType(1=Command, 2=Event) MsgID [parm1id param1value] [parm2id parm2value] ...
the server is the name/ip of the router, such as localhost
the default target type is the device.
-p specifies the path for output params
-r means the message will be sent with a response request
-o means the message will expect out parameters
which will be echoed to the screen as resp: [response]
the parm ID can be prefixed with a letter:
D send as a data paramter, rather than text
B the value is a filename, the contents sent as a data parameter
T the value is a filename, the contents sent as a text parameter
Note the host goes *before* the parameter. this is necessary because the same classes that handle parsing messages from the commandline are also used internally throughout Pluto, and we wanted to have everything share. So it's messagesend [host] then all the parameter. Try:
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost -r 0 54192 1 351