I meant to write this yesterday, but got sidetracked....
VMC stands for VIP Menu Container, and has its roots in a Pluto business venture called PlutoVIP.
Huh? Let me explain.
Pluto had envisioned a system where PlutoMO was at the center. You would be at home, and your mobile orbiter would control the house. During the connection exchange, the core would send the latest VMC file. This would be the file for your house containing a set of predefined orbiter scenarios arranged into menus that you could use outside your home, so that you can for example, turn on and off your lights, view cameras, set security mode, etc.
Once you left the house and went into certain business and shopping establishments, the phone would sense VIPEstablishment installations, and your phone would connect with them in the same way that it connects with your house, and would send another VMC file to your phone, containing a nicely generated menu of things you could do in and out of the establishment. It would also notify the establishment that you were in the shop/business, and their computers would do the right thing and bring up customer data etc.
The VMC files themselves, could be done by each business using the VIPDesign program, to create graphic files with text and menu options that could dynamically change, which would point to WAP pages for your cell phone.
This would leave a number of VMC files on your phone, which you could select when you start the PlutoMO orbiter program, and would automatically be selected for you when you approached an establishment as part of the orbiter connect exchange.
Basically, this was a personalized business transaction system that never got past the proof of concept stage.
It is useful directly for our purposes for offline menu use, but we could extend it to other things as well.