Author Topic: X-10 firecraker (CM17A) adapters  (Read 15564 times)


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support of firecracker CM17a
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2006, 01:18:48 am »
I have made some preliminary code to support the firecracker (CM17A) transmitter.
On/Off commands work fine, but DIM must be improved.
It's some ruby codes that uses bottlerocket. so you need to
Code: [Select]
apt-get install bottlerocket on the machine where your firecracker is connected.

Create a GSD device and use this ruby code:
Code: [Select]

ser_dev=device_.devdata_[37]; #37 is serial device

id=device_.childdevices_[cmd.devidto_].devdata_[12]; #12 is device ID
house = id[/\w/];  # extract house code
dev = id[/\d+/];   # extract device id

br_cmd="/usr/bin/br --port="+ser_dev+" --house="+house+" ";

case cmd.id_
when 192 then # POWER ON
system(br_cmd+" --on="+dev);
when 193 then # POWER OFF
system(br_cmd+" --off="+dev);
when 184 then # DIM value
system(br_cmd+" --off="+dev);
puts "Now brightening by "+bright;
system(br_cmd+" --dim="+bright+","+dev);
puts "Brightened.";

Worked ok for me.

Then I bought a CM11A and I'm still fighting with it (it doesn't like the events fired by other controllers like wireless, gets "checksum error" and must be unplugged and replugged to work again. But that's a different topic :)


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X-10 firecraker (CM17A) adapters
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2006, 09:40:49 pm »
The Firecracker is able to transmit X10 lighting commands and the data is send on an RS232 port using the control-lines. The Firecracker uses the US 310MHz RF frequency only. sells an USB RF transmitter that is able to transmit X10 lighting AND X10 security commands. There is an US version (310MHz) and a European version (433.92MHz) available. The USB devices use a VirtualComPort protocol and a Linux driver is available.

They also have USB RF receivers for:
- X10 310MHz (US)
- X10 433.92MHz (European)
- Visonic alarm systems
All receivers have a 32 bits mode which is compatible with the W800. Additionally they have a variable length receiving mode so that receiving of the Digimax (European thermostat) is also possible.
The Visonic receiver translates the received sensor signals to X10 equivalents so that the software only has to be programmed for X10 sensors.
One USB interface can have 2 receivers so that a Visonic and an X10 receiver can co-exist in one USB interface and both signals are available to the software.

The RFXSensor wireless RF temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensors can be received by the RFXCOM receiver and also by the W800.

Soon the RFXPower will be released. This is a Power Metering device with RF transmitter. The 48 bits data can be received by the RFXCOM X10 receiver.
