I was wondering is there a way to change the pic feed from flickr to my own pics? I tried copying my pics to the public data picture folder but I still cannot get any to come up with my pics in place of some of the flickr images. I can pull them up if I go to view my pics through LMCE when I go to the pictures menu.
Sheesh... Someone should have told me it was hard to do... because I put my photos on no problem.
First, I moved the flickr.pl to flickr.pl.back. Too many of the flickr.pl photos were just not appropriate for my 4 year old grand-daughter... plus I didn't care to see various people sitting on the commode. So, by moving the flickr.pl out of the way, it will not overwrite what I do.
Next, I went to the directory where all the photos are stored by month... just under the 2007 year folder. I removed everything below the 2007 folder rm -rf *. Then I put my photos there, under the 2007 folder. A few minutes later they showed up as wallpaper. I didn't size/resize the photos... just used as they came out of my digital camera. That's it. It works.