Hello every body,
I've got some problem to setup my trendnet ip camera !
My process on working install, and access trough the firefox browser is working ( give jpeg image):
1/ go to wizard and scamera security device
2/ select generic ip camera template
3/ put the ip: in ip, put the right mac address x:x:x:x:x
4/ put for image path /image.jpg (also try full path
5/ then try regen orbiter (no image) also in admin website, the view security camera give no preview data...)
A/ is there any person who have a trick
B/ how to create a personnal template (I create one called ip100w as java script but can't figure out where to change the code and parameters for putting ip, and java script).
C/ I tried to modify the GSD ruby code of this device, but I can't not find the real code (for example I don't need all the parameter of the getVideo Frame... I prefer also use the java applet to control it more precisly. If I make a modification of the getVideo function is it localy or global ?
Thanks for any help.