Here's the list of equipment (modifications made):
Abit AN-M2 motherboard
AMD Athlon X2 BE-2350 45w Processor
2 Gig DDR2-800 Ram
Sony Vaio VGP-XL1B3 200 Disc Jukebox & Recorder
Nvidia 7050 Onboard Graphics
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Nokia 6255i Cell Phone (Show Applet Push)
500 GB Media Drive
80 GB System Drive
Snapstream Firefly Remote
MicroFly Case w/ 400w Power Supply
Intermatics Sensor Package
Total cost to build - $1060 (includes retail cost of all parts, phone, controllers and sensors)
Let me know if I need to improve anywhere. Intermatics is donating all of the Z-Wave controllers and components that I'll need.
I still need to find a source for the IP phone. I also need to find a cheap IP camera, so please let me know if a standard webcam would work in this case (got plenty of those).
Speaking of controllers, they're sending me out one of the stick-type USB interface modules. Has anyone had a good experience with this type of controller? Please let me know, because if I need to be hunting on eBay for the older module, I need to start hunting. Overall, though, I want to avoid this because I want everything to be pretty much off-the-shelf, which rules that older USB dongle out (no longer manufactured, difficult to find online).
Finally, I contacted Fiire about possibly showing off some of their goods, but from some of the responses I've seen on the boards (and my experience with their tech support, which was just weird), I'm willing to consider other integrators who would be willing to help us out.
I've got a WindowsMCE remote laying around that I could use, but I think that if I can't get hold of Fiire, I'll just use the Gyration mouse. Either way, should be fine.
I also emailed the main contact on LinuxMCE's main page, but got no response, which is why I decided to put the worklog here.
Am I screwing up on anything, or does it look all good?