I've noticed that the media is loaded from /home/[whatever]
I have split my drive into 2 partitions. the 1st partition is about 20gb, and is there purely for the OS, and LMCE. then there is a 4gb swap drive. the rest of the drive was mounted as /MediaSVR as the last partition.
The thinking behind this was so that i do not have to copy the media again after a reinstall.
At 1st I was confused as to why LMCE did not pick up the media on this partition. Now at least i know why. I then created a softlink to my MediaSVR folder, but im not sure this is working like it should. It picks up the media when I click on video on the onscreen orbiter, but when i click on brows media or when i want to assign cover art in the admin webpage, it does not list the media.
Is there a way i can specify the /MediaSVR partition as the default media folder? Or should I perhaps copy the current /home folder contents to /MediaSVR, then mount that as /home? I dont want to experiment these things to much in the fear of breaking it.