Most of the emails I get are for feature requests.
This is just down right unacceptable. Feature requests belong in the forum, not in your inbox. We really need to do something about this ASAP as it's just counter productive... but I guess that leads us to your (and my) first priority. There still hasn't been anyone willing/able to step up to this task though. I'm just unable...
I would prioritize things just like you did... only I wouldn't have really considered the pin code thing...
It seems everyone in this thread is in violent agreement; we just don't know how to proceed.
There are many things that can cause this. In my experience, Myth is very picky about its dependencies. You are right though, the kernel would be a good place to start as most V4L problems are solved there. The next step would be to identify any (possibly deep) dependencies Myth uses that LinuxMCE overrides and builds itself instead of using the stock versions.
The integration with the mythconverg database is also causing problems. I know at one point LinuxMCE added 5 tuner cards to the database even though I had only one installed... it did remedy the situation itself though...
I should note that I'm not having any
stability problems in Myth. Myth is operating just as expected for this version of LinuxMCE. Though if you see my other threads on this topic I do definitely agree that the Myth integration should be improved. It's just not as high of a priority as building the community.